Neshuldaar: The Eleventh Tear

NAME: Neshuldaar   TYPE: Irregular earth asteroid   SIZE: B (50 miles long)   ESCAPE TIME: Two turns (20 minutes)   SATELLITES: None   DAY LENGTH: ???   YEAR LENGTH: 30 days   POPULATION ANALYSIS: Humans, neogi, umber-hulks, eye-monsters.   DISTANCE/TIME FROM OTHER REALMSPACE BODIES: As per The Tears of Selune.   Overview: Neshuldaar is the eleventh asteroid in the Tears of Selune. Shaped roughly like a giant's foot, the asteroid is one of the larger Tears and is round about 50 miles long.   Ports of Call: The "moon-keep": A neogi slave trading base, built next to one of Neshuldaar's sapphire coloured lakes.   Resources/Trade: Neshuldaar is a neogi slave trading station. Groundling slaves captured on Toril are brought to the "moon-keep" and kept there until they can be sold on.   Unique Flora/Fauna: Neshuldaar is covered in dark jungles. From a distance the vegitation looks purplish, but below the tree canopy the brush, fronds and grasses are a jumble of fantastic colours.   The eye-monsters have mottled mottled greenish-white bodies. Almost all of their heads are giant yellow-orange eyeballs. These eyeballs have a gaze attack that causes objects that they look at the burn. Beneath the giant eyeballs are small mouths full of needle-like teeth. The eye-monsters have long arms and hop like frogs and are known to hide in trees and leap down onto their victims. Their taloned feet have two large toes at the front of each foot and a third further back, towards the instep.   Disposition of Groundlings: <to be added>   Prominent Land Features: Three or four mountain ranges run the length of of Neshuldaar and its surface is a maze of cliffs. Small sapphire coloured lakes are dotted across the entire surface.
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