Tears of Selune

The Tears of Selune are a collection of asteroids that trail after Selune. Many are so small and barren that they are incapable of supporting life. Those that can be inhabited are often feuded over by the various factions of Realmspace. A number of asteroids act as strongholds for neogi, mind flayers, beholders, and other such creatures that seek to spread their influence across Realmspace.   PLANET NAME: Tears of Selune PLANET TYPE: Asteroid cluster PLANET SIZE: A ESCAPE TIME: 100 MINUTES SATELLITES: None DAY LENGTH: Various YEAR LENGTH: 30 days POPULATION ANALYSIS: Elves and humans mostly, with a smattering of other spacefaring races.  


The Sun 200 million miles Anadia 2 days travel 150-250 million miles Coliar 1.5-2.5 days travel 100-300 million miles Toril 1-3 days travel 183,000 miles Selune 7 turns travel 100,000-183,000 miles Karpri 4-5 turns travel 100-500 million miles Chandos 1-5 days travel 200-600 million miles Glyth 2-6 days travel 800-1,200 million miles Garden 8-12 days travel 1,000-1,400 million miles H’Catha 10-14 days travel 1,400-1,800 million miles Sphere 14-18 days travel 3,000 million miles


Ports of Call

On the asteroids that contain life, there are places dedicated to spelljammers. These areas allow ships to dock, conduct trade, set up base, or whatever the need may be.  

The Rock of Bral


The Cave

The Cave is a small rock with an opening on its underside. It is located near the center of the Tears, and its surface is covered with blue-green grass-like plants. Within this large hole is the lair of the infamous Batship, as well as all the plunder which has yet to be sold. (Please see the New Ships section of this book for details on the Batship. This ship is designed to be an antago¬nist to the characters, not their property.) There is an 80% chance that the ship is in the cave and fully aware of the encroachment of an enemy ship. It always leaves in time to protect its lair from being spotted.  

Journey's Legg

Journey's Legg is a neogi hideout, with all neogi attacks in this section of space usually made from this location. The rock is almost eight miles across, and well fortified. No fewer than ten neogi ships of varying styles are ready to protect it. Slaves gathered from Toril or other locations are sent to Journey’s Legg before they are sold off or used by the neogi.  

Eye of the Sky

Eye of the Sky is a beholder base, a two-mile wide rock with several hundred beholders liv¬ing inside it. The asteroid is a veritable laby¬rinth of tunnels and caverns which serve as the home and sleeping quarters of these creatures. No one has successfully led an attack against this asteroid. The Citadel is the center of dwarven presence in the Realm’s wildspace. This pleasant rock, the first stop all dwarves make from Toril before finding their fortunes in wildspace, is where dwarves adept at the dangers of space inform the new adventurers of the things that await them. All dwarves stopping must pay a fee of three gold pieces. No other races are allowed unless accompanied by dwarves.  

The Citadel

All dwarves leaving Toril's atmosphere for the first time make their first port of call here. No other races are allowed to set foot on the Citadel unless they are accompanied by dwarves. This is where inexperienced dwarven travelers are informed of the dangers of space travel. All dwarves staying here must pay a fee of three gold pieces.[3]  

The Castle

In the geographic center of the Tears lies an unnamed castle built on an asteroid. It is beautifully constructed with magically lit spires that reach a hundred feet (30 meters) above the ground. The grounds themselves are covered in long green grass and constantly blooming bushes. An overturned magical chalice constantly pours water which flows out of the citadel's doors and eventually out into wildspace. The asteroid is populated by ravens (who are unable to escape the air envelope) and brown puddings which prey on the ravens. No sentient being would want to live here once they discover that the puddings are extremely difficult to dislodge when not hungry, making complete eradication of them near-impossible.[3]  


Elmonitae had once been a neogi stronghold, until they were defeated by the Wa Tsunami Storm of Honour, under the command of Daimyo Akahu Nagase, who rescued nearly 100 captives. Forty of the captives were Wa citizens, while the remaining captives were elven. Daimyo Nagase handed the elves over to the elven Armada Wings of Glory, leading to five years of peace between the elven fleets of Realmspace and Wa.[5]  

Isidore’s Isle

Isidore’s Isle is a hollow asteroid frequently used by neogi or pirates to conceal their ship, which can then easily ambush vessels passing by in the vicinity. The Isle is located 90 miles (145 kilometers) spinward from Journey’s Legg.[6]  

Gaspar Reclamations

Gaspar Reclamations is a fairly young organization led by an immensely fat mage named Gaspar. It specializes in the location and recovery of magical items and artifacts. Gaspar Reclamations has a major outpost on the Rock of Bral, but maintains its headquarters, as well as the home of Gaspar himself, within the Tears of Selûne.[7]  


  Githyanki tracking a splinter colony of mind flayers to Undermountain seized this level and turned what was once a crystalline maze into a fortress. From here, they launch attacks against the mind flayers on level 17. The githyanki also transformed Stardock into a crèche: a fortress dedicated to raising and training young warriors. Because creatures do not age on the Astral Plane, the githyanki must bring their offspring to the Material Plane to mature. Unfamiliar with the asteroid’s actual name, the githyanki refer to Stardock as Crèche K’liir.     In the center of the Tears of Selune lies a cas¬tle. This beautifully constructed building is truly a sight to see, its spires reaching up a full hun¬dred feet up from the ground. These spires have continual light spells cast upon them to keep the place lit. Its air envelope keeps the ravens that fly around it confined. The ground is covered with long, green grasses and constantly bloom¬ing bushes. There is a constant stream of water pouring from the open doorway of the castle. The water comes from an overturned chalice of continual water. The water pours over the ground and onto the gravity plane of the castle, where it eventually spills out into open space. In¬side the castle are several dozen brown deadly puddings, wandering about looking for food. Their main diet is the ravens and grasses which live outside the castle. No sentient beings live here, nor do they wish to. The puddings love to hide in the cracks and on the ceiling when they are not hungry, so exterminating all of them is difficult.   All in all, there is a 15% chance of finding an asteroid in the Tears of Selune which is livable, while there is a 10% chance of finding one al-ready inhabited.


The Tears of Selune is nothing more than a cluster of asteroids which follow Se¬lune in its orbit around Toril. Here, hundreds of asteroids slowly circle around one another. Most of the asteroids are too small to hold the atmos¬phere required by living and breathing beings. Several dozen, however, do have air envelopes which allows comfortable living. The unique feature of the Tears is that in their midst lies a castle, around which the asteroids seem to slowly revolve.


The Tears of Selune one day just appeared, apparently from nowhere. The differ¬ent cultures of Toril have their own versions of what happened. Written in the Shou Lung scrolls of history, over 4,800 years back, an astronomer looking up toward Selune, mapping its surface, re¬ported seeing many objects suddenly “pop” into existence. Tremendous tidal waves on all of Toril’s oceans commenced. Several hours later, the same astronomer, Tu Pi Chei, reported his findings to the emperor’s men. The emperor, awakened from his sleep, was very interested in this matter, and went out the next night to study the phenomenon with Tu Pi. After seeing that, indeed, a cluster of lights had appeared to the right of the moon, he had the 20 best astrologers in the country deduce its meaning. Nearly all of the predictions involved Shou Lung’s expansion inland, while a few deduced that there was to be a death in the emperor’s family, and in one reported divination, the em-peror himself was to become pregnant. The lat¬ter astrologer was soon put to death. Indeed, Shou Lung did begin expansion in¬land shortly thereafter, and today, it is one of the largest countries in Toril. The emperor’s wife also died during childbirth later that year. The elven nation of Evermeet documented the same phenomenon about the same time as the Shou Lung, but their reaction was quite dif¬ferent, viewing the astronomical phenomenon as a sign from their gods. The gods, being pleased with their continued magical research and progression in their arts, gave them this sign as a gift. To them, the Tears of Selune is a source of pride. The goblin races see the cluster of asteroids as a plot by human mages to place the world in continual light. Hating light and the life that it endows the planet, they must destroy all of the humans and possibly the elves. If these denizens of the light are not eliminated, soon hundreds of moons shall circle the planet, masking out the darkness the goblins desire so much. Many spacefaring races believe that the Tears of Selune were created by a god who is new to the sphere. They believe that the Tears were placed to hide the whereabouts of his domain, a castle in the center of the asteroids. Many differ¬ent people have tried to investigate the castle and see what it holds, but no one has ever come out alive. Most human legends tell of a time when the goddess Selune fell in love with a handsome warrior who turned out to be a shape changing monster bent on conquest and destruction. Us¬ing her very life essence, she created a gem that would contain the warrior and his minions until the end of time. The tears she cried were spilled, and now lie near the moon that is her namesake
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  • Tears of Selune


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