
Size A irregular earth body   Other names Crèche K'liir[1], Mehiluum[2]   Type Asteroid   Classification Code A✧E   Parent cluster Tears of Selûne   Satellite of Toril   Year length 30 days  


  The asteroid was hollowed out by a series of tunnels and chambers. The largest of the caverns was the asteroid's namesake: an enormous dock wide enough to moor a large spelljammer vessel.  


  During the late 15th century DR, spelljammers and astral ships docked regularly at Stardock to bring supplies to its inhabitants. Foodstuffs typically stored at Stardock included:[7] • Aartuk tongues; • Giant space hamster hocks; • H'Cathan doom radishes; • Infinity vine stalks; • Pickled jammer leeches; • Dried mortiss meat; • Puffer steaks.


  In the distant past, the cave system of Stardock had been the lair of an unknown species of dragon. Sometime before the 11th century DR, Stardock was an outpost of the illithids from Glyth, dug by umber hulk slaves. They named it Mehiluum, or Stardock in the common tongue. These illithids built The Rift, the portal leading to the Crystal Labyrinth level of Undermountain.[2] The outpost was used occasionally by the mind flayers for the following 200 years.[8]   Sometime in early Eleasis, 1369 DR, the Twisted Rune discovered the existence of the outpost and used a wish spell to create the Rift. Led by Priamon Rakesk and the alhoon Ralayan, the Rune raided and conquered the outpost on Eleint 9 that same year. They subsequently used it as a base for magical research, kidnapping Halaster Blackcloak on Highharvestide and imprisoning him there in order to discover secrets that might grant the Rune an advantage in their struggle against the Red Wizards of Thay.[9][8]   Out of Halaster's control, the occupants of Undermountain erupted all across Faerûn through uncontrolled portals. The event became known as Halaster's Higharvestide.[10]   By 1492 DR,[note 1] after a long period of abandonment, the asteroid was claimed by a githyanki commander named Al’chaia and her troop of githyanki warriors and red dragon allies.[2] It had been converted into a crèche where young githyanki were raised and trained before moving to the Astral Plane.[1]   Following the demise of Al’chaia, rulership of Stardock fell to Commander Urlon, who transformed and expanded it into a cosmopolitan trading and transportation hub in the region. It became home to all manner of creatures and races.[11]  



Notable Inhabitants

  • Commander Urlon, githyanki commander and ruler of Stardock, succeeding Commander Al’chaia. • Ashtyrranthor, red dragon female and traditional defender (along with her children) of Stardock until rulership fell to Urlon.[12] • Al’chaia, former ruler of Stardock who turned the abandoned asteroid into a githyanki creche and fortress, cruel, fearless, and narrow-minded.[2] • Kaaltav, retired githyanki general, former tutor of the youth of the creche. • Nightshade, undead apothecary from Skullport.[13] • Infernexus, young red dragon male, son of Ashtyrranthor. • Lae'zel, githyanki fighter[14] Jerath, blind githyanki knight and lute player.[15]  


  The militaristic githyanki who live in the Crystal Labyrinth and Stardock have three important tasks: protect the crèche, train young githyanki warriors, and destroy the mind flayer colony in Seadeeps (level 17).  

Knights and the Draconic Tongue

  Githyanki knights encountered in the Crystal Labyrinth and Stardock speak Draconic in addition to their native language of Gith — all the better to communicate with their red dragon mounts.  

Githyanki Leaders

  The githyanki are led by Al’chaia, a knight who is cruel to her trainees and soldiers. Al’chaia recently acquired a manual of gainful exercise and a tome of clear thought, and she has promised to award both items to her most accomplished soldier. In truth, she plans to read these tomes to gain their benefits herself, but uses the promise of this reward to trick her troops into running themselves ragged. Al’chaia’s second in command, Urlon, is tired of the abuse and plots against her.  

Red Dragons

  Ashtyrranthor, an adult red dragon, is mother to six young red dragons that live in the Crystal Labyrinth and defend Crèche K’liir. Ashtyrranthor’s children are named Ashranthax, Blazutranc, Infernexus, Meteoranzym, Smoakcant, and Zolcharrx.
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