298 - The Copper Plot

Representatives from Coalition, DPE, and Inc3 hold the coveted 3 spots on the Tri-City Board of Directors.   These representatives are voted on by a ‘think tank’ of investors from each trade district.   Coalition and Hardpot have been at odds since the election of 285 when Hardpot backed the Industrialist Party. Henry Howard Harris remained in control of the Fedora region of Tri-City, but by the smallest margin in the history of the position.   With the important election of 300 coming up, Coalition is very concerned with the ever expanding Hardpot presence in Fedora. In order to maintain control over not just Fedora, but the Federation as a whole, Coalition must find a way to stop the growing power of this rival.   Even President Raylin Parapet has requested her allies, including Henry Howard Harris, help in taking down the threat that is Hardpot.   Henry Howard Harris wants to sabotage Hardpot   Lona Zupart wants to sabotage Hardpot   Fisk Nole doesn’t give a damn about Hardpot   Hardpot opened a new factory in Tri-City specializing in Brass and Copper   Fisk Nole owns the copper mines that supply Hardpot’s new factory   Henry Howard Harris owns the train that transports the copper to Tri-City   All Henry needs is for Fisk to turn a blind eye so the copper can ‘disappear’   Without the copper, Hardpot would not be able to run the factory   In return, Fisk Nole wants exclusive rights to sell alcohol at the upcoming Tri-City Ball. This will however require a special exemption from the Federation   Henry Howard Harris contacts President Raylin Parpet and she approves the special trade exemption   Lona Zupart however has bigger ambitions than just making brass. She is aware of Mayor Vanderfeller’s plans to build apartment buildings with full electricity, and she knows the real future is in consumer products that use electricity   Lona secretly informs Vanderfeller of the plot to steal the copper in an attempt to position herself and her company as the primary producer of Tri-City Tradings new line of electrical appliances   Inc 3 removes the added security from their copper shipment and uses older antiquated locks   Coalition arranges for the train to go through Bricktown and drops a tip to the mafia   Mayor Vanderfeller, however, has the train stop for inspection before reaching Bricktown   He secretly removes all the copper   When the train reaches Bricktown and the mafia attempts to steal the copper, they find the train empty   Seraph had already planned for this however and wanted the locomotive itself far more than he wanted the copper   Though a series of temporary tracks leading down to an underground tunnel, the mafia manages to steal the train and hide it under the school   The mafia begins to slowly document every detail of the train and disassemble it for shipping at a later date   Lona Zupart and Mayor Vanderfeller begin using the copper to produce electrical equipment for the new apartment building  

Tri-City Trading

  JP Blooman and Mayor Vanderfeller need copper to complete the electric wiring and electric appliances for Electric Living Apartments

Electric Living Apartments is planned to open on the 24th of Goldmoon, the day of the Tri-City Ball.

Blooman and Vanderfeller plan on cornering the new market of electronic appliances.

Electric Living Apartments cost more than Blooman ever planned. He is going to have to charge more than expected. To make up for the extra price he plans a comprehensive stock buyback program at Tri-City Trading. If he buys back a massive amount of stock right before the end of the financial quarter the stock prices will skyrocket giving him a huge bonus and giving the share holders a lot of extra money in their pockets. Money they will spend on Electric Living Apartments and electronic appliances.   On Purplemoon 5th the Tri-City Stock Exchange closed for the year. A large amount of TCT employees left for their 3 week winter vacation not knowing that they would have no jobs to come back to. It wasn't until businesses opened back up on the 2nd or Goldmoon that it became clear how widesweeping the layoffs were. The massive amount of money saved allowed for JP Blooman's massive stock buybacks.  


  Lona Zupert also sees that electrical appliances are the market of the future, and this is the opportunity to monopolize the industry before anyone else has a chance.    


  International Investments Incorporated has been buying up struggling vinyards ever since the 289 - Prohibition of Alcohol. Inc 3 wants to get a trade exception from the Federation of Like Minded States to sell alcohol. Being able to sell alcohol at the Tri-City ball would be a huge first step to making huge profits from all the vinyards they have bought up.

Inc 3 owns the copper mine that has all the copper everyone is fighting over.

Hardpot Industrial

Despire being the fastest growing manufacurer in the world Hardpot Industrial has been kept out of power in Tri-City. It has primarily been moves by fellow Likemind corporation Coalition that has prevented their expansion both domesically and internationally.

If the other 4 mega corporations are going to keep Hardpot from having a seat at the table, then Cornelius Gates is ready to shake up the entire industry. Hardpot has started paying workers well above market value. This has allowed them to steal the quality workers from the other corporations that were underpaying. The other 4 mega corporations are not happy about this at all.

Hardpot is opening a new precision brass and copper factory in the Tri-City area, causing great concerns to competitors like 'Brasswork Tools' and 'Coalition'.


Henry Howard Harris' main goal is to hold back Hardpot and maintain control of Fedora. It isn't as much about what Coalition can gain, but how much damage they can cause Hardpot.

Coalition want to prevent Hardpot from getting any more shippments of copper, in effect killing their new business before it ever gets off the ground. (can't make brass without copper, and you certainly can't make copper wire without copper).

Coalition needs Inc3 to help make the copper 'disapear'.

Inc 3

Inc 3 is not as threatened by Hardpot as DPE and Coalition are. Fisk Nole wants something to sweeten the deal if he is going to lose an entire shippment of copper. He wants Lona Zupert and Henry Howard Harris to override Mayor Vanderfeller's decision and allow Inc 3 to supply booze at the Tri-City Ball.


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