JP Blooman Character in Stacked Odds | World Anvil

JP Blooman

Jeff Pierpont Blooman

Jeff 'JP' Blooman is the richest man in Tri-City and possibly on the planet. He is obsessed with expanding his oligopoly horizontally and controlling more industries. He pays no tax because his wealth is invested into every industry imaginable instead of having a salary.
  He is the founder and CEO of Tri-City Trading , which has quickly become the most successful business in selling everyday goods.
  Even though he can easily afford more resources, he is relentless about squeazing every bit of productivity out of his tools and workers, even if it goes to inhumane levels. To Jeff, workers aren't something you want to keep long term. It is better to overwork them, use them up, and toss them out the door in favor of new fresh workers.
"Employees should be paying me for the honor of working for my company."

  He constantly refers to himself as 'relentless' and truly believes he is the hardest working human on the planet... He is certainly not...
  It makes him physically ill to think about lesser human beings without his 'relentlessness' having high enough wages to be happy. If people who don't pour their entire existance into their job can be happy, then how will he feel like he has 'won' at life? To Jeff, respecting workers is physically painful, and he will cost the company money just to avoid respecting his workers.

Currently Tri-City Trading has to pay higher than market value for the same employees, because it has developed such a bad reputation over the last decade. A large amount of the demographic that would work for TCT has already worked there and quit, leaving few people applying for jobs.
  For this reason, Jeff hates Unions more than anything else in life. He has hired the Anti-Union Consulting and Private Security an infamous private security group, as his personal army to go after people trying to form Unions. Inside Tri City Trading he creates an atmosphere where paranoia is encouraged and ratting on fellow workers is rewarded.
  Nothing would make JP Blooman more happy than to see unemployment skyrocket and for people to be forced back into taking bad jobs for low pay.

JP Blooman now own the smaller of the planet's two moons. He renamed Sarsaparilla, and because of the large amount of money he paid to the 3 largest governments people are now required to refer to Sarsaparilla as TCT Presents - Moon.


JP Blooman


Towards Hilda Bean

Hilda Bean


Towards JP Blooman

Current Location
Date of Birth
12th of Renewal
Year of Birth
252 CE 46 Years old
Hilda Bean (spouse)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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