Martial Lightweapons

A traditional weapon of force users, lightweapons are made by housing a kyber crystal inside a metal frame that filters and focuses a high intensity plasma blast through a containment field in order to create a blade-like surface that can cut into almost any material. These designs were made for those with more advanced combat capabilities and are able to use less traditional weaponry.

Buster saber
A lightweapon of almost comical proportions, the buster saber was created by a technically-inclined padawan that sought to push the plasma field to its possible limits. This created a blade with an extremely then yet extremely wide surface that allows for clean slicing on a paper-thin scale.
Cost: 7,777 Creds Weight: 15 Lbs. Damage: 1d12 Energy
Properties: Heavy, Keen 1, Luminous, Reach, Required Strength 19, Two-Handed, Vicious 1

Chained Lightdagger
A lightweapon designed to create an area of control for the user, the lightdagger can keep opponents from closing in for fear of the far lashing weapon. Masters of the lightdagger often employ a strategy of damaging their enemies weapons or hands from afar before they can retaliate against the lightweapon wielder.
Cost: 1,700 Creds Weight: 6 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Energy
Properties: Disarming, Finesse, Luminous, Reach, Two-Handed

Claymore Saber
A variation of the traditional lightsaber, the claymore saber disperses the field into a flatter, but longer, shape that can cleave easier than a regular lightsaber. The thinner blade does require a more nimble hand to ensure they can strike at the perfect moment to follow through with the cut.
Cost: 2,100 Creds Weight: 9 Lbs. Damage: 3d4 Energy
Properties: Luminous, Required Dexterity 13, Two-Handed

An unusual lightsaber variation, the cross-saber has two plasma blades facing forward and two sharp metallic blades extending from the rear. Meant to be used with two hands the user can alternate between using the plasma blades and physical blades during a fight to combat those who with defenses versus either damage type.
Cost: 5,500 Creds Weight: 13 Lbs. Damage: 2d4 Energy
Properties: Double (2d4 kinetic), Heavy, Reach, Required Dexterity 15, Two-Handed

Crossguard Saber
Designed to reduce the chance of dismemberment from an enemy's blade sliding down one's own, the crossguard hilt can stop it short from harming the users hands. The added focusing chambers do add extra weight to the weapon that can throw those not proficiently trained with using this type of lightweapon.
Cost: 950 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Energy
Properties: Defensive 1, Heavy, Luminous, Required Dexterity 13, Versatile (1d10)

A lightweapon with a blade emanating from both sides, this design was first introduced by sith users due to its aggressive and adaptable nature in combat. Those truly skilled with this weapon can create a whirlwind dance of blade strikes quickly to defeat enemy combatants.
Cost: 1,400 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Energy
Properties: Double (1d8 energy), Finesse, Luminous, Two-Handed

A short version of the doublesaber, this build is often used by smaller races who may have difficulty with the length of the original design. Quicker to turn but not as far reaching, the blade dance from these wielders seem to be smaller in scale yet no less furious in strength.
Cost: 1,250 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Energy
Properties: Double (1d6 energy), Finesse, Light, Luminous, Two-Handed

Dual-Phase Saber
A lightsaber containing two kyber crystals, the length of this lightweapon can be altered during combat to confuse opponents and gain an edge. Energy can be focused through both crystals to extend the length by twisting the handle and aligning the beam within.
Cost: 1,400 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Energy
Properties: Keen 1, Luminous, Required Dexterity 11, Versatile (1d10)

A large version of a lightsaber, the greatsaber was built for species too large to wield such a dainty weapon. With an enlarged hilt casing and more room for a sizeable kyber crystal, the focused plasma does burn more fiercely than the standard version of saber.
Cost: 1,000 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 2d6 Energy
Properties: Luminous, Required Dexterity 11, Two-Handed

Guard Shoto
Similar to the crossguard saber, the guard shoto protects the wielder's hand by projecting a thin circular plasma field above the hand to stop incoming blades. Having the added safety to their arm allows the user to push forward with more reckless attacks than would be allowed with a traditional lightsaber.
Cost: 1,350 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Energy
Properties: Defensive 1, Finesse, Light, Luminous

Light Ring
A weapon that can be used in both close quarters and at range, the light ring is a versatile lightweapon that can be propeled towards a distant enemy before returning to where it was thrown. Only the advanced skills of force users allow for this weapon to be caught without damaging the handler.
Cost: 500 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Energy
Properties: Finesse, Hidden, Luminous, Returning, Thrown (range 30/90)

Another variation from the traditional lightweapon design, the light axe chooses to focus the plasma field between two focal points at the end of the haft. With its field focused to a high density, the lightaxe can easily cut through many more materials than a lightsaber or any other variation of lightweapon.
Cost: 1,800 Creds Weight: 10 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Energy
Properties: Heavy, Luminous, Two-Handed

Often mistaken for the saber gauntlet, the lightfist does not actually produce a blade like many of other light weapons. Designed to produce a plasma overlay, the fist becomes surrounded by a glowing field when activated and can cause damage upon contact with organic materials. Unlike other weaponry, the dispersal of the field makes it nigh impossible for the lightfist to slice through an object, rather it superheats the surface of anything it comes in contact with.
Cost: 1,200 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Energy
Properties: Disruptive, Disguised, Fixed, Light, Luminous

A lightweapon with a narrowed blade, the field is focused inward to create a stronger center than other sabers. The thinner field allows for quicker strikes and parries allowing for a more eloquent style of combat than heavier lightweapons allow.
Cost: 500 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Energy
Properties: Finesse, Hidden, Luminous

A heftier version of a lightpike, the lightglaive has weighted ends to increase the force of momentum transferred into a strike when it connects. The loaded impact creates deeper wounds that can grievously injure an opponent to keep them from retaliating.
Cost: 1,900 Creds Weight: 10 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Energy
Properties: Heavy, Luminous, Reach, Required Dexterity 13, Two-Handed

Designed to strike from afar, the lightpike has a small plasma blade at the end of a reinforced durasteel pole-arm. These weapons have been shown to effectively take down incomin mounted combatants before they can land a strike on the wielder.
Cost: 400 Creds Weight: 6 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Energy
Properties: Luminous, Reach, Required Dexterity 11, Two-Handed

Martial Lightsaber
Specifically designed for wartime affairs, the martial lightsaber was first developed during the Jedi Civil war as a means to combat the combat capabilities of many sith force users. Built with a higher energy emitter than recommended for safe use, the plasma charge can be amplified for short bursts of time to create a more powerful strike that can often overwhelm an unwary adversary.
Cost: 300 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Energy
Properties: Hidden, Luminous, Versatile (1d10)

One of the first iterations of light weaponry, the retrosaber gained its name after many improvements to the core design of a lightsaber rendered this version inferior. Some force users, most being members of the old guard, still vouch for its uses and choose to still use them instead of newer designs.
Cost: 800 Creds Weight: 8 Lbs. Damage: 2d4 Energy
Properties: Keen 1, Luminous, Special, Vicious 1

Special. The retrosaber is an an ancient type of lightweapon that requires a power cell to function. Once four attacks have been made with a retrosaber, a character must replace the power cell using an action or bonus action (the character’s choice). You must have one free hand to replace the power cell.

Saber gauntlet
A specialized gauntlet affixed with power regulator, the saber gauntlet unleashes its plasma field directly above the knuckles to fully utilize the strength of one's arm motions. As it is worn over the hand, those skilled in disarming opponents are at a loss during combat.
Cost: 1,300 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Energy
Properties: Finesse, Fixed, Luminous

Shorter than a lightglaive or light pike, the saberspear has the plasma projection at the tip to allow for thrusting attacks rather than slashing. Aiming for the core of an opponent rather than dismembering, wielders of saberspears often go for critical locations to down their enemy as soon as possible.
Cost: 450 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 2d4 Energy
Properties: Luminous

Often utilized by sith force users with a cruel streak, these lightweapons produce a thin plasma field around a core durasteel cord allowing for the fluid motion provided by the whip structure. While often not as deep cutting as other lightweapons, they can leave permanent scars and - if enhanced - can dismember just as easily as any other lightweapon.
Cost: 300 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Energy
Properties: Finesse, Hidden, Luminous, Reach

Sith Saber
The sith version of a lightsaber, the power focus of the kyber crystal is maximized at the upper limits to create a much more lethal version of the weapon. Due to the increased power, self-harm is much more likely for novice users than is found in those wielding a typical lightsaber.
Cost: 2,400 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Energy
Properties: Hidden, Keen 1, Luminous, Required Dexterity 11, Versatile (1d10)


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