Simple Vibroweapons

Easiest of all the weapon types in the galaxy, most people of any species could pick one of these up to defend themselves. While certain places may ban weapons, almost every planet has an abundance of these used in everyday life. Few bat an eye at someone wielding one of these in public, unless they are actively using it.

A tool often favored by farmers and herders, the electropod is useful in coralling unruly animals or deterring pests from eating crops. While often disregarded as a farming tool, it does have the power to be an effective weapon in the right hands.
Cost: 50 Creds Weight: 0 Lbs. Damage: Special
Properties: Disruptive, Shocking 13

Often used in back-alley fights and bar brawls as they are easy to hide and use when inebriated. Many have underestimated the power of a punch when their attackers are wearing handwraps under their clothing.
Cost: 50 Creds Weight: 0 Lbs. Damage: Special
Properties: Fixed, Special

Special. Handwraps are worn over the hands. When you hit with a melee weapon attack using handwraps, you use your unarmed strike damage instead of the weapon’s damage. Additionally, while wearing handwraps, when pushing or dragging weight in excess of your carrying capacity, your speed drops to 10 feet, instead of 5.

Most often found in rural or traditional settings, not many people use these in urban environments since the proliferation of blasters. Techaxes are improved designs over the ancient weapon, allowing for easier use and faster cutting to reduce the workload on the average citizen.
Cost: 75 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Light, Thrown (range 20/60)

Favored by the Cathar, vibroclaws come in a set of three to five blades that fasten around the hand and arm to reduce the chance of disarmament. More advanced forms can often have a retractable setting to keep them hidden and allow for suprise attacks.
Cost: 600 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Fixed, Light

Favored by Trandoshans, vibrocutters were originally designed for use in mining operations. Utilizing their vibrocells to allow for cutting into asteroid bedrock, their impressive slicing can also be used for more nefarious purposes. Many a Trandoshan have used a cutter to punish a disobediant worker deep in the mines of Kessel.
Cost: 300 Creds Weight: 5 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Dexterity 11, Heavy, Vicious 1

Favored by Rodians, vibrodaggers have long been associated with street thugs and gang members. A quick and efficient weapon, the rapid vibration allows for quick penetration of all but the toughest of armors.
Cost: 50 Creds Weight: 1 Lb. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60)

Favored by Bothans, the vibrodart is similar to the vibrodagger but are often designed for one-use scenarios allowing for quick disposal and cheap replacement. With a centralized point of focus, the dart is much more succesful for attacking from range which gives the assailant time to get away.
Cost: 5 Creds Weight: 1 Lb. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Special, Thrown (20/60)

Note. Due to their diminutive size, vibrodarts make ineffective melee weapons. Melee attack rolls made with them are made at disadvantage.

A favorite of Dug brawlers, vibroknucklers are the weapon of choice for thugs who want to establish dominance in a room. A quick beat down with one of these can leave a person passed out on the ground in a matter of seconds.
Cost: 60 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Hidden, Light

A weapon mainly used by Gamorreans and other large species, the vibromace is a devastating weapon that can leave small craters wherever it impacts. Generally used by those with a smash first, ask questions never mentality this weapon has kept many a Hutt lackey in line through fear of its use.
Cost: 80 Creds Weight: 12 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

Mass produced and used by Geonosians, the vibrospear is a mainstay in many armies due to its ease of use and quick production time. A staple weapon that has been used in many wars, this is one of the most common weapons found throughout the galaxy.
Cost: 120 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile (1d8)

Favored by Cereans, these are often used in ritualistic combat and meditative practices more than actual combat. The practice fights on Cerea are often used as a way to improve their binary thinking abilities, with critical thinking on which way to handle a staff being a point of philosophical discussion.
Cost: 100 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Versatile (2d4)


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