Martial Vibroweapons

Harder to use than the simple vibroweapons, arms under this classification are usually used by those in professional settings: soldiers, bounty hunters, and other martially-inclined occupations. While not entirely uncommon to be seen, most population centers have strict regulations on when and where they can be worn or carried.

Traditionally held by the Lesat Honor Guard, bo-rifles are considered sacred to the Lesat people and can only be found outside of their communities either through the death and theft of an Honor Guard or by someone who performed a great dead for the people of Lasan. Those who have not earned the right and still hold one may face many a Lesat challenger attempting to reclaim it.
Cost: 2,300 Creds Weight: 7 Lbs. Damage: Special
Properties: Special, Two-Handed

Special. The bo-rifle has the unique property of functioning as both a rifle and a staff. On your turn, you can use your object interaction to switch between modes, detailed below.

Rifle. While in this mode, the weapon uses traditional power cells.
Damage: 1d8 Energy Properties: Ammunition (range 100/400), Reload 6

Staff. While in this mode, the weapon gains the Shocking 13 property.
Damage: 1d8 Kinetic Properties: Double (1d8 kinetic), Shocking 13

Often employed by Gungans and Tusken Raiders, bolas are an ancient - yet highly effective - weapons used to neutralize opponents rather than outright kill. A useful tool for bounty hunters and civil guards, bolos are a mainstay on many planets and with many civilizations.
Cost: 70 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: Special
Properties: Light, Special, Thrown (range 20/60)

Special. A Large or smaller creature hit by a bolas is restrained until it is freed. A bolas has no effect on formless or Huge or larger creatures. A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Dexterity check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. The bolas has an AC of 10, 5 hit points, and immunity to all damage not dealt by melee weapons. Destroying the bolas frees the creature without harming it and immediately ends the bolas’s effects. While a creature is restrained by a bolas, you can make no further attacks with it.

Note. Due to their unwieldy nature, bolas make ineffective melee weapons. Melee attack rolls made with them are made at disadvantage.

Chained Dagger
While Toydarian have the advantage of flight during combat, the also have the sever drawback of a compact build - making heavier weapons impossible to use in aerial combat. To compensate for that deficiency, Toydarians developed the chained dagger to keep their range advantage. Connected to a light, yet durable, plasteel chain the dagger can easily be thrown downwards at enemies and quickly retracted to aim at their next target from above.
Cost: 850 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Disarming, Finesse, Light, Reach, Two-Handed

Not often used by actual living races, these vibroweapons were designed to be used with assassin droids whose dexterity and timing could easily catch these devices without fear of self harm. In the hands of an expert droid, a room of people can be decimated in mere seconds without retaliation - a smooth and effective weapon for getting a job done.
Cost: 250 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Returning, Thrown (range 30/90)

A traditional training tool of the Miraluka, blunt doubleblades are often used to train the inherent force sight of young members. Channeling force through the blades, miraluka practice their ability to sense how their opponents will move and react during combat, leading them to be some of the fiercest fighters in the galaxy - if ever provoked into a fight.
Cost: 625 Creds Weight: 5 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Double (1d6 kinetic), Finesse, Light, Two-Handed

A favorite of Duros duelists, the doublesword has long held part as tradition in the history. In ancient times, when two parties disputed over legal matter they would convene for ritual combat where each side chose their best fighter. Each fighter would battle with a doublesword and, depending on the severity of the case, either fight until first blood or death.
Cost: 700 Creds Weight: 5 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Double (1d8 kinetic), Finesse, Two-Handed

Created by the Chagrian, the electrobaton original purpose was not that of a weapon but more a cloaking device. It was invented as a method to daze and confuse the more voracious underwater predators on Champala by emitting an electronic pulse to confuse their sensory abilities. These were eventually found to be just as effective on land, where there properties could be used for offensive measures.
Cost: 650 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Light, Shocking 13

Brainchild of Ugnaught researchers, this weapon was designed to maximize the effectiveness of their natural strength and compensate for lack of mobility. Aiming to finish the fight in the first blow, this weapon lands with a sickening crunch and an electric pulse to ensure the enemy stays down.
Cost: 1400 Creds Weight: 18 Lbs. Damage: 2d4 Kinetic
Properties: Heavy, Shocking 13, Two-Handed

Commonly used by Jawa scrappers, electrostaves are effective at subduing enemies rather than outright killing. Often used to subjugate rogue droids, every sandcrawler has multitudes of these hidden in various compartments and under every bed.
Cost: 1100 Creds Weight: 6 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Double (1d6 Kinetic), Finesse, Shocking 13, Two-Handed

Many have underestimated a Kaminoan holding an electrovoulge. With their naturally limber physique, these polearms can easily skewer an enemy far before they get within reach to use their own weapon.
Cost: 1300 Creds Weight: 15 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Reach, Shocking 13, Two-Handed

Hidden Blade
Wielded by many Clawdite shapeshifters, the hidden blade is often more a tool of assasination than an outright combat weapon. Concealed under loose sleeves, these blades can appear in the blink of an eye with experts able to kill unnoticed in the middle of large crowds.
Cost: 200 Creds Weight: 1 Lb. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Fixed, Hidden, Light

A main part of the Tusken Raider arsenal, these are commonly used for the capture of stray jawas and those foolish enough to venture into the desert alone. A weapon designed for capture rather than killing, these have netted a tidy profit to raider clans when ransoming back their hostages.
Cost: 670 Creds Weight: 12 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Reach, Special, Two-Handed

Special. When you would make a Strength (Athletics) check to attempt to grapple a creature while wielding a weapon with the grappling property, you can instead make a melee weapon attack with it. If the attack hits, the creature becomes grappled by you, and it takes damage equal to your Strength modifier of the same type as the weapon’s damage.

A common utility item for almost every race in the galaxy, the net is considered on of the first tools to of mutual discovery. While the type and design may vary from planet to planet, all have to same base use of capturing and holding for the thrower.
Cost: 100 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: Special
Properties: Light, Special, Thrown (range 15)

Special. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on formless or Huge or larger creatures. A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. The net has an AC of 10, 5 hit points, and immunity to all damage not dealt by melee weapons. Destroying the net frees the creature without harming it and immediately ends the net’s effects. While a creature is restrained by a net, you can make no further attacks with it.

Riot Baton
Chadra-Fan are a community based species, which can make traveling the galaxy dangerous as they are often seen as naive and easy targets. Due to this danger, whenever one chooses to leave the nest and explore space they are often gifted a riot baton for protection. Ever the optimists, this weapon was chosen in the hopes of being able to win over their adversary during a fight rather than defeat them.
Cost: 350 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Defensive 1, Light

Riot Shocker
As a race that avoids violence, the Besalisk people did not have the concept of weaponry until commerce with the galaxy at large began. When they first created their orbital trade stations, they were quite surprised by the pertinacity of some races for violence. Wanting to keep order on their stations, select volunteers trained in the art of using riot shockers - one of the more humane weapons that can quickly end a fight.
Cost: 750 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Defensive 1, Light, Shocking 13

By the their thirteenth year of age every Echani child has had basic training with techblades. A standard part of every soldier's uniform, techblades are an all-around decent weapon for combat - lightweight and keen edged, a lethal combination.
Cost: 250 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Light

Techstaves can often be found in the hands of Sullastan, usually with the intent of playing a prank on a friend. Infamous for their enjoyment of practical jokes, a customary stunt pulled is to trip someone with their staff then quickly retract it and feign ignorance. While obviously guilty, it is considered good form if they are able to pull it off without being seen by the victim.
Cost: 600 Creds Weight: 8 Lbs. Damage: 2d4 Kinetic
Properties: Double (2d4 Kinetic), Hidden (when Retracted), Two-Handed

Employed most often by Devaronians, the vibroaxe is a useful weapon in densely forested planets like their homeworld, Devaron. Able to both hack away tangled paths and stop predators, these axes clear any obstacle attempting to impede the Devaronian wanderlust.
Cost: 300 Creds Weight: 11 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Kinetic
Properties: Heavy, Required Dexterity 11, Two-Handed

As connoisseurs of music, Ortolan individuals often find themselves in many a cantina band. While good at their jobs it is unfortunately quite frequent that a brawl or two will break out before they finish their gigs for the night. Many Ortolan drummers and xylophonists have adapted to this by commisioning specialized drumsticks that double as vibrobatons for when things get just a bit too hairy.
Cost: 225 Creds Weight: 4 Lbs. Damage: 2d4 Kinetic
Properties: None

A weapon requiring both strength and skill, it is one of the few technologies still used by Flesh Raiders after their devolution. Unable to focus on technological advancement, most supplies and equipment they use are taken during pillaging and raiding. Unfortunately, while their cognitive abilities may have diminished their combat prowess seems to have remained with them after their transformation, making a deadly combo with these massive tools of destruction.
Cost: 1,200 Creds Weight: 15 Lbs. Damage: 1d12 Kinetic
Properties: Heavy, Required Dexterity 13, Two-Handed

Commonplace on almost all Human worlds, the vibroblade was the first of the vibro-series of weaponry first developed as a countermeasure to sith and jedi lightweapons. The high-frequency movement, along with durable metal compositions, allows them to deflect the high-intensity plasma field created from the swords.
Cost: 150 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Versatile (1d10)

Vibroblade, Hooked
Hooked vibroblades differentiate from the regular versions by being shorter and having a thick rounded edge on the backside if the blade. While useful in combat, the hooked portion was made by Kubazi smugglers to help them climb the cavernous walls of their home planet, Kubindi.
Cost: 700 Creds Weight: 6 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Disarming, Finesse

Vibroblade, Jagged
Another weapon derived from industrial purpose, the jagged vibroblade was engineered by Nautolan jewelers for harvesting the large beds of coral that were valued by nobles across the galaxy. With its chainsaw-esque ability, these tools were able to quickly and cleanly cut large swathes from reefs in order to be made into elegant jewelry designs.
Cost: 500 Creds Weight: 5 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Required Dexterity 13, Versatile (1d10), Vicious 1

Favored by Aqualish thugs, these weapons were often wielded for their intimidating property more so than their lethality. Larger than some species, these swords can invoke an awe of terror in those not used to physical confrontation - and that hesitation is usually enough to give the holder a winning advantage. Focusing on brute strength rather than agility, Aqualish love to beat their foes down repeatedly until they tire instead of attempting to outright end the fight.
Cost: 7,777 Creds Weight: 15 Lbs. Damage: 1d12 Energy
Properties: Heavy, Keen 1, Reach, Required Dexterity 19, Two-Handed, Vicious 1

Made notorious by Zabrak warriors, these massive weapons have proven able to cleave a gundark in two. Made from reinforced durasteel alloy, the blade itself is thicker which increases the momentum when slashing to create deep gashing.
Cost: 1050 Creds Weight: 14 Lbs. Damage: 3d4 Kinetic
Properties: Required Dexterity 13, Two-Handed

Those of Chiss descent will readily identify vibroglaives due to its periforation in Csillian society. Carried by the top attendants of the ruling families in the Chiss ascendancy, many lesser families began training their children in the art of using one in the hopes of being selected to serve. While they may never get the chance to be at the top, those who serve them often are rewarded with much better lives than they had before.
Cost: 250 Creds Weight: 13 Lbs. Damage: 1d12 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Reach, Required Dexterity 15, Two-Handed

Ever distrustful of their own race, wealthy Neimoidian citizens frequently employ bodyguard drones equipped with vibrohammers for protection. Ready to smash anyone that would dare attack their masters, the powerful mechanical arms of these droids can smash a hammer through even the hardiest of foes.
Cost: 1400 Creds Weight: 16 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Kinetic
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed

Easily found in every Selkath home, these are more often used for domestic purposes rather than combat. Due to their utilitarian abilities, many are used for dislodging and opening deep sea clams as well as gathering large quantities of kelp from ocean forests. They do also provide good defense against some of the larger predators that stalk Manaan's lower depths.
Cost: 600 Creds Weight: 1 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Light, Piercing 1

A mainstay on the Togruta homeworld, these weapons are a great boon in combat against the large predators that stalk rural villages. Usually mounted on the backs of riding animals, their vibration helps to pierce the thickened hides of apex predators.
Cost: 100 Creds Weight: 6 Lbs. Damage: 1d12 Kinetic
Properties: Reach, Special

Special. You have disadvantage when you use a vibrolance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren’t mounted.

Often used by Quarren in their long wars on Mon Cala, these are one of the few effective melee weapons for underwater combat. With a long reach and quick thrust, it is easy for one to stay out of their enemies attack range.
Cost: 200 Creds Weight: 6 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Kinetic
Properties: Reach, Required Dexterity 11, Two-Handed

Due to the difficulties surrounding underwater combat, the Mon Calamari adapted to vibrorapiers for close quarter combat. With the power coming from thrusts rather than swinging power is conservered during the attack making them more effective than other melee options.
Cost: 250 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse

Created for the sluggish Hutts, the vibroshield is a compromise between attack and defense for them to get in close range without being hurt. The vibrating sheet can be held horizontal for defense or swung horizontally in order to gash opponents with its sharpened edge.
Cost: 900 Creds Weight: 7 Lbs. Damage: 1d8 Kinetic
Properties: Defensive 1, Fixed

A weapon commissioned by many factions in the galaxy, the largest producer of vibroswords are the Muun. While relatively peaceful compared to many races, Muun merchants quickly saw the benefit of establishing a foothold in the arms market. This has led to many of the less than noble occupants of Scipio to cheaply gain access to weapons, often smuggled to warzones for a hefty profit.
Cost: 500 Creds Weight: 6 Lbs. Damage: 2d6 Kinetic
Properties: Required Dexterity 11, Two-Handed

While most Ithorians live a life of pacifism, there are still those who partake of the barbaric side of galactic life. One such sect, views violence as acceptable in protection of life; thus the vibrotonfa was born. Used for self-defense and incapacitating enemies, this weapon is a compromise of violent actions while still holding to the Ithorian values of life.
Cost: 1,000 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Defensive 1, Finesse, Light

Developed by Twi'lek engineers, vibrowhips are one of the more complex weapons made utilizing vibro cells. With a vibro cell stationed in the hilt, several amplifiers are built into the core lining of the fiber steel cord.
Cost: 150 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Finesse, Reach

War Hat
A unique weapon created by Weequay pirates, the war hat is a disguised weapon concealed in the lining of headwear. With various designs and shapes, they are easily snuck into areas where other weapons are banned. Often connected to a beacon somewhere on the users body, the chakram-like weapon will return after striking an enemy.
Cost: 1,100 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Defensive 1, Disguised, Returning, Thrown (range 30/90)

One of the less common weapons on the galactic front, a group that still prefers these are the native Felucian warriors dwelling deep within their forest hideouts. Many a foolish explorer has come out of from beneath the megafauna screaming about vicious tribals chasing them with large blades. Whether these people were attacked or merely deterred by the inhabitants is debated among scholars, but all agree that they would not wish to test their hypotheses.
Cost: 1,400 Creds Weight: 8 Lbs. Damage: 2d6 Kinetic
Properties: Required Dexterity 13, Two-Handed, Vicious 1

Usually associated with Kel Dor, wristblades are one of the less common weapons seen across the galaxy. While innately useful against opponents specialized in disarming, the shorter length can lead to riskier combat behavior requiring skilled users to survive an encounter.
Cost: 1,000 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Fixed, Light


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