Simple Blasters

From simple farmers to interstellar diplomats, blasters can be found at every echelon of society. Useful for personal defense as well as domestic matters such as hunting varmint deterrence, a majority of families across the galaxy have at least one stashed away somewhere for emergency use. Seen as a common tool used by various trades, it is a common piece of attire that is generally allowed most places as long as it is left in its holster. Some more secure regions of the galaxy, such as military bases and government facilities may still restrict the carrying of any blaster type to registered personnel only.

Energy Ammunition

Weapons that charge with a universal energy cell, these are the most common types of weapons that are seen across the galaxy. A vast improvement over the gunpowder fireams used in ancient times, these guns generally have higher maximum ranges due to their blasts ability to ignore the gravity pull that physical ammunition must account for. A drawback of this type of weapons however, is that when intercepted by light weapons the blaster charge can be dispersed unlike more traditional slug bullets.

Blaster Carbine
A smaller and more compact variation of a blaster rifle, the carbine is a compromise of range, weight, and ease of use. Especially useful for smaller races, this shortened rifle still packs a punch without overburdening the user during combat.
Cost: 300 Creds Weight: 8 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Energy
Properties: (range 60/240), Reload 16, Two-Handed

Typically associated with Wookies, the bowcaster is a unique energy weapon that sacrifices efficacy for precision during combat. The weapon is made in the shape of a crossbow, constructed with a blaster stock and curved stabilization rods to maximize the user's ability to hit their target.
Cost: 400 Creds Weight: 16 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Energy
Properties: (range 50/200), Burst 4, Reload 4, Required Strength 11, Two-Handed

Energy bow
Similar to the bowcaster, the energy bow is built in the shape of ancient weaponry forgoing more modern firearm conventions. Housing capacitors within the limbs, energy is directed through a focusing lens within the center of the bow with laser-directed targeting to help the user aim.
Cost: 300 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Energy
Properties: (range 80/320), Mighty, Reload 12, Silent, Two-Handed

Hold-out Blaster
Designed for individuals concerned for personal safety, such as diplomats and ambassadors, this type of firearm was made to be strapped somewhere on the body where it can be easily concealed yet readily accessed. Due to the compact size, these blasters are not as powerful as standard variants.
Cost: 250 Creds Weight: 1 Lb. Damage: 1d4 Energy
Properties: (range 30/120), Hidden, Light, Reload 6

Ion carbine
With the advancement in combat droid development, countermeasures such as the ion carbine were designed to mitigate the threat of potential hostiles. Focusing on electrical disruption rather than pure energy, these blasters are often kept around for those worried about droid insurrections.
Cost: 300 Creds Weight: 8 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Ion
Properties: Ammunition (range 60/240), Reload 16, Two-Handed

Light pistol
Created for dual use, these pistols are sleek and streamlined to allow anyone with basic firearm knowledge to pick one up and use it. With a simple base model, this weapon is often modified by owners and fine tuned to their desired specifications.
Cost: 350 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Energy
Properties: Ammunition (range 40/160), Light, Reload 12

Light repeater
A lighter version of a repeating blaster, the light repeater is often used in by military cadets in training. Cheaper and easier to repair, these versions have interchangeable parts allowing for quick maintenance and modification.
Cost: 900 Creds Weight: 12 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Energy
Properties: Ammunition (range 60/240), Auto, Burst 8, Reload 16, Two-Handed

A compact arm device, the wristblaster is often mistaken for a common databand rather than a lethal energy weapon. With a slot for energy cells on the underarm portion, a retractable barrel allows for blaster fire when activated.
Cost: 250 Creds Weight: 1 Lb. Damage: 1d4 Energy
Properties: Ammunition (range 30/120), Disguised, Fixed, Light, Reload 12


Physical Ammunition

Where blaster discharge burst of energy at enemies, some opt for a more traditional form of weaponry with physical ammunition. Derived from ancient gunpowder armaments, these guns have been refined to maximize damage and accuracy far past their predecessors.

Modified from bowcaster blueprints, the bolt-thrower uses physical ammunition rather than the energy cell standard of most firearms. Carried by those who wish to shoot silently, these modern crossbows are very useful when hunting prey that are sensitive to noise and flee at the slightest sound.
Cost: 500 Creds Weight: 14 Lbs. Damage: 1d10 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 100/400), Reload 2, Silent, Required Strength 11, Two-Handed

Light slugpistol
A small pistol that can easily be stashed, these weapons can easily get through checkpoints that scan for energy based weapons allowing the user to protect themselves in certain situations. The narrowed barrel requires a lighter gauge of bullet size reducing the impact that it may make when fired.
Cost: 250 Creds Weight: 2 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 40/160), Hidden, Light, Reload 16

A weapon designed to penetrate personal energy shields, the needler fires sharp-tipped darts designed to inject various chemical concoctions into the target. Focused on the indirect harm of poisons, the needle is fairly negligible in harming a person if left empty.
Cost: 275 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 40/160), Rapid 10, Reload 20, Special

Special: The needler includes a specialized compartment for poison. One dose of poison, when installed in this compartment, retains its potency for 1 hour before drying. One dose of poison is effective for the next 10 shots fired by the weapon.

A variant of the shotgun, these utilize multiple smaller bullets that spray in a larger radius to maximize impact. These were often used by hunters hoping to wound their prey enough so they are too wounded to escape.
Cost: 200 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 20/80), Burst 4, Reload 4

Shatter pistol
A long-nosed sidearm, the shatter pistol uses railshot technology to propel a small bullet at much faster speed than other guns. The high speed caused by the railshot makes this weapon eerie as no sound is emitted when triggered.
Cost: 800 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 40/160), Silent, Light, Reload 20

A double-barreled kinetic weapon, the shotgun fires two large bullets simultaneously. Often used for its intimidating presence, bouncers in rural cantinas often have one stashed for situations that get a bit dicey.
Cost: 350 Creds Weight: 12 Lbs. Damage: 2d4 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 30/120), Burst 2, Reload 4, Required Strength 11, Two-Handed

A pistol more akin to ancient firearms, slug pistols utilize dense metal bullets rather than energy blasts to do damage. Often found in more rural areas, some fighters still use these weapons as a backup for fighting those with energy dispersal defenses.
Cost: 100 Creds Weight: 3 Lbs. Damage: 1d6 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 40/160), Rapid 8, Reload 16, Required Strength 11

Tranquilizer rifle
Utilized by bounty hunters and big game hunters focused on live capture, these large weapons use specialized darts filled with various chemical compounds to subdue their prey. While useful for capture, many wielders are forced to train heavily in compensation for the fact that their adversaries often don't share their belief in non-lethal combat.
Cost: 200 Creds Weight: 10 Lbs. Damage: 1d4 Kinetic
Properties: Ammunition (range 100/400), Reload 4, Two-Handed, Special

Special: The tranquilizer rifle includes a specialized compartment for poison. One dose of poison, when installed in this compartment, retains its potency for 1 hour before drying. One dose of poison is effective for the next 4 shots fired by the weapon.

Wrist launcher
Often integrated into the combat armor of users, wrist launchers employ several types of ammunition that can create tactical advantages during coarse firefights. While missiles fulfill the traditional role of ranged ammunition, chemical canisters provide an array of tools that can be effective against common defensive measures.
Cost: 450 Creds Weight: 1 Lb. Damage: Special (see Ammunition)
Properties: Ammunition (range 30/120), Fixed, Reload 1, Special

Special: Rather than traditional power cells, the wrist launcher fires specialized projectiles in the form of darts, small missiles, or specialized canisters.


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