Jolder Kar'dral

(a.k.a. Starhawk)

Jolder Kar'dral is a former Republic mercenary fighter pilot turned Rebel. Born to a small but ancient clan of Mandalorians, she is a fierce opponent on the battlefield. Trained as all Mandalorians are, she makes sharp use of her tech and tactical cunning to overcome any adversary. Her clan, as all Mandalorians, values personal freedom above all else. When the Republic fell and the Empire rose, her squadron, the Void Dragons, was contacted by a fledgling rebel network and offered the chance to fight against the Empire's tyranny. Her squadron unanimously chose to fight for the Rebellion.   Onboard the Eventide she is known for her affinity for all things ship, tech, and droid, and can be found immersed in deep conversations with Cosa about the finer points of engine manifold design or droid motivation circuits. Her soldier like facade is often broken by her desire to paint murals and graffiti all over the ship, much to the chagrin of Cale. Her paintings are typically Rebel motifs, but are clearly influenced by her Mandalorian heritage. Despite better judgement, she has a tendency to paint anti-Imperial propaganda in very public places.   During the Clone Wars Jolder would attain 'ace pilot' status over the skies of Cato Neimoida, downing full squadrons of Vulture Droids in support of the Republic.

A former Republic pilot turned rebel pilot, Jolder has fought against the Empire since its creation alongside many of her Mandalorian brothers and sisters. Her clandestine contact "Mother" provides instructions for her cell, and she is now assisting the two Jedi of the party.

Character Location
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Chaotic Light
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Tracyn - Mandalor System
Current Residence
The First Mate's quarters onboard the Eventide.
Short Platinum Blonde Mohawk
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appears in...

Our Vengeance Burns Brighter Still

A'den, Het'gal, Skorri, Nyreen, Kad, Lyra... All gone.   Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.   We used to number over a hundred strong, but now we're down to four souls. The Void Dragons stand upon a knife's edge. One. Wrong. Step. And the Void Dragons are no more. Maybe it's better to go out on your own terms? Choose the time and place, make the last four of us feel like a thousand before we fall in blaze of glory.   I do not fear the warrior's death. In a way I guess I have always accepted that it will happen at some point when you walk the path we do as Mandalorians. What I do fear however is fading away. To not having meant anything, and for the Void Dragons to fade away into nothingness. I will not let the Empire get away with this. I will make them pay.   If we burn, they burn with us.   Motir ca'tra nau tracinya. Gra'tua cuun hett su dralshy'a. Those who stand before us light the night sky in flame. Our vengeance burns brighter still.

The Fires of Hope

A single spark of courage can ignite the fires of hope.   Riots in the streets of Lianna, rising up against the tyranny of the Empire. To see an imperial world in open rebellion with my own eyes is something I honestly never thought I'd do. Their courage is inspiring. It is one thing to fight back having been raised as a warrior from childhood, but these people are just regular people going up against armed soldiers with whatever they had on hand. The spark has been lit, and the fire will rise.   Right now I want nothing more than to rejoin my wingmates on Mandalore, but I recognise that I may be needed elsewhere in the war effort. Hopefully we can join the war effort on Mandalore later. I miss my brothers and sisters in arms deeply, and knowing that they are on the homeworld fighting and I'm not weighs heavy upon my soul. If Lianna isn't enough, may Mandalore be the spark that sets the galaxy ablaze.   While I have no doubt the rest of the Eventide crew is on the side of the rebellion or at the very least harbors no loyalty for the Empire, I fear some of them have become soft from hiding instead of fighting. I hope they understand that Lianna is only the beginning. We can't win the war unless we fight, and that means you can't always hide in shadows. Rage against the dying of the light. This is a war for survival. Fuck the risk, fucking fight. No matter the cost.

A Lifetime of War

I've been fighting the Empire since its inception. Before that I fought the Separatists. And before that my life was dedicated to honing the skills required of a Mandalorian. I've been a warrior for as long as I can remember.   With the separatists it was for glory and a chance to prove my skill. In the skies of Cato Neimoida I shot down countless droids and is where I earned my callsign - Starhawk. The clones on the ground had witnessed me fly through an exploding separatist gunship, and some its fuel had stuck to the wings of my Fang. So when I pulled up away from the ground, it looked like the flaming wings of a starhawk. It caught on among the clones on the ground so they started calling me by that name over comms. Earning your name is one of a warriors greatest honors, and a moment I will never forget.   With the Empire it is personal however. My squadron, the Void Dragons, had answered the call of Bo-Katan and the Nite Owls to take back Mandalore from the usurper Maul. It was a battle hard fought, and it pushed my skill as pilot to the very edge. I had trained against my fellow Mandalorian pilots in the Void Dragons before, but to go against other Mandalorians in true battle was something I never could have truly prepared for. There was no glory in this, however. The pilots I shot down were my kin. This conflict only stood to weaken us as a people. But that wasn't even the worst part. After the siege and Lady Bo-Katan was named regent, the Republic that had aided us in battle was no more. The Empire that took its place betrayed us. The traitor Gar Saxon, who had previously fought for the usurper, stabbed us in the back like the dishonorable coward that he is. With the Empire at his back, we were ousted from our home while Gar Saxon now rules over Mandalore.   When our squadron leader, Mother, asked if we wanted to fight back against the Empire, we told her it was an easy choice. Amongst ourselves we had already been preparing battle plans and exchanging knowledge on Imperial space combat tactics.   It has been ten years since then, and we are low on resources. After a while our Fang fighters became too valuable to risk, deciding to save them for when the day comes, so we resorted to using whatever ships we could steal. We have struck Imperial supply shipments wherever we could find them. We have made life hell for the Imperials at every turn. And yet, it's not enough. We have been an inconvenience at most. We are winning the battles, but we're losing the war. No Tie pilot could ever hope to best one of us. But it's still not enough.   I wonder if these Jedi can be what begins the turning of the tide. I've seen Jedi pull off impossible things, these ones included. I only hope it's not too little too late.   On another note, Cosa's kinda cute. It's been a while since I talked to someone that understands the beauty of engineering that starships are. I'd honestly be thrilled to show her a Fang fighter if I get the chance.

Idea Board

Displayed on a large screen in Jolder's quarters:   Priority Mind-Shielding Suit/device
  • We've faced several adversaries that have attacked our minds. Must be a way to shield against it. Should talk to Maeve (or Mir?) about this.
  • Akaan'laar Phase-pulse Pistol Hand BKG Chassi (Prototype)+
  • Recoil Dampener (Improved) Must have
  • Accuracy Focus Mk III
  • Amplified Barrel (Improved)
  • Precision Chamber Mk III
  • Wristpad Chassis
  • Storing Dataport Improved
  • Surging Processor
  • More charge for my tech.