Rebel Ties

The informants rescued on Imperial Outpost D416, particularly Jor Vemm, had important information regarding the Empire's new weapons program at the TIE Production Plant. Going by the name of Project Balefire, the Empire intends to enact a policy of scorched earth against any that would offer even token resistance to its whims.   The raid on Imperial Outpost D416 triggered a swift and severe response from the Imperials, bringing ISB and Stormtroopers to the Imperial planet of Lianna where the Consular class cruiser used in the raid was last spotted.   The crew of the Eventide managed to gather more information from Jor Vem on the new weapon the Imperials are working on; codename Project Balefire, the new TIE variant is a bomber. The crew manages to successfully steal information for the Rebellion and give it to Yuri. They then further set the Empire back by destroying the prototype midflight.   Mir further incited rioting and a full uprising throughout Lianna, the chaos of which covered the Eventide's escape.
Jolder and her contact, "Mother", have more than enough reason to hurt the Empire, and so does the rest of the party. Will the next mission prove to be a significant blow to the Empire, or will it be their last?
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