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Session 16: A Familiar Face, Part I

General Summary

Day 7, Afternoon
  A raid has just begun by The First Born on the Khomm Central Population Planning headquarters on Khomm 1. The Initiates, in the middle of their meeting with Brell 142 decide that this is a local political matter and decide not to get involved, remembering well Master Dal Konur's warnings about such things when they were on Fresia. After a tense half hour with Brell 142 trying to coordinate from inside their locked down meeting room, the raid ends and the plasteel shutters open and the doors unlock. Given the circumstances, the Jedi start to leave the building, when they see signs of blaster fire by the Secure Data Centre on their floor. Rin offers his assistance to the tech who is looking into the database to see what the First Born were after, and he finds that files related to where the genetic codes of certain lines of bureaucratic clones are stored.    Once they leave the building, they call Master Konur and update him on what Brell 142 told them about Dorsk 82. He is quite perplexed by this and cannot believe that his longtime friend would be involved with something like The First Born. Master Konur suggests that they look into the First Born more to see if they can find out the truth of what is happening here. He also lets his padawans know that he was able to secretly shut down the biological weapons research at Incom Corporation that they stumbled onto and were so concerned about. However, he asks that they keep this among themselves as Jedi really aren't supposed to get involved in such matters, and Master Skywalker and his sister, the New Republic Head of State, would not be happy about him interfering. Finally, he lets them know that he's headed into hyperspace en route to Khomm and should arrive in about 12 hours.    With everyone back on the The Mynock's WingLyshea takes Tomla aside and suggests she stays on Khomm. She feels like it's a pretty safe place and she could get by here pretty well. However, she is curious about whether Master Konur could train her as a Jedi like them so that she can help people. Tomla says that she isn't sure, but that she should talk to Master Konur about it when he arrives. Lyshea thanks her Ithorian friend and says that she's going out to explore the city if she's not needed on the ship. Soon after she leaves, the padawans discover that Lyshea was able to get the ship fully maintenanced, refueled, and ready for travel.   Rin realizes that S19-A1 hasn't undergone any regular maintenance in quite some time, including the usual memory wipe. During his inspection, he finds that Salty has some damaged wiring which have allowed him to bypass his 2nd degree droid protocols, meaning that he is able to do harm to organics. After discussing with Tomla, they agree to forgo the memory wipe given how he's saved their lives more than once because of this "quirk".    While they wait for Master Konur to arrive, the three companions head to the Commercial District of Khomm 1 to do some shopping with the credits they received from Kritia Haccor, as well as find out what they can on the street about the First Born. Lem asks around about Dorsk 82 but isn't able to find anything out. Rin buys several small labor droids for Salty to manage, as well as a GE3 protocol droid that they name Squee-G, and a medical droid for the ship. Finally, he buys some security equipment to upgrade the ship and make it and its communications more secure.     Rin, worries about how Lyshea is getting along by herself, uses the Force to find out where she is. Tomla and Lem feel like this is a violation of Lyshea's privacy and trust, not to mention the Jedi Code. However, Rin insists that he's simply looking out for Lyshea. He sees that she is in a dark place and full of anxiety, but no more than that. While Tomla and Lem feel that Rin's vision isn't enough to act on and that they should let their friend handle herself, Rin disagrees and leaves to go find her. Shortly after Rin leaves, a comm comes through to the Mynock's Wing from the Dead Reckoning in orbit above Khomm. The The Alderaan Raiders apparently have Lyshea on their ship after she came looking for them, and they want to know if they would like her back.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
29 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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