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Session 21: A Familiar Face, Part VI

General Summary

Day 8, Evening
Just before leaving the First Born hideout, one of the Khommites from the recent raid on the droid factory (Session 20: A Familiar Face, Part 5) tells Rosk 1 that he's found out who has been behind the attacks. Based on information they've gathered, they're certain that it's a powerful loyalist politician on Khomm named Sestra 638 (Thread 1.4.4: Culture War). Rin offers to help the First Born verify that their information is accurate before the First Born take any action against Sestra 638, which Rosk 1 gratefully accepts. The padawans leave and head back to the Khomm 1 spaceport where Master Konur has returned with the The Mynock's Wing after completing the engine upgrade from the The Alderaan Raiders. However, on their way back, a telepathic miscommunication between Rin and Lem causes a Lem to draw his lightsaber in public, scaring a number of Khommites in the process.   At the Mynock's Wing, the padawans explain to their Master what they found out about Dorsk 82  (Thread 1.4.3: Investigating Dorsk 82). Master Konur suggests that the four of them meditate together on Dorsk 82's location, where they share a vision of Dorsk 82 in a tropical settlement with a massive mountain in the background. Master Konur takes this and the information about the settlement being on a nearby but uninhabited planet and begins exploring the ship's star map with Salty. He suggests that in the meantime, the padawans continue exploring their other leads to see if they can find any more information to help narrow down the planet. However, Lem has the unshakable sense for the first time that Master Konur isn't telling them everything, which he shares with his compatriots.   While Tomla and Lem heads over to the Khomm Central Population Planning headquarters to talk to Brell 142 about Sestra 638, Rin stays on the Mynock's Wing to research/hack the holonet to see what he can find. Thanks to Rin's quick hacking of Brell 142's appointment schedule, Tomla and Lem are able to meet with him immediately, and he agrees to put in a good word to help them gain an audience with Sestra 638. Meanwhile, Rin sends a mysterious message to Sestra 638 which causes her to agree to a secret meeting in 10 minutes' time at her apartment. Rin directs his fellow Jedi to the location, and they are immediately allowed entry to the lobby of her dwelling. With a deadly assassin droid at the ready behind her, the two padawans test their hand at diplomacy. Using the threat of meeting with some of her minor political rivals, which would elevate their position and become a threat to her, Sestra 638 reveals that she does not know where Dorsk 82 is, but that she has contracted someone on Fresia who claims to be able to help her eliminate The First Born and capture Dorsk 82. She says that she will continue sharing information with the Jedi as long as they promise to bring Dorsk 82 back to Khomm once he is taken into custody so that she can gain a political win. Afterward, they are free to take him back to Yavin IV and continue their investigation into his activities.     Heading back to the Mynock's Wing, Lem has a quick and unproductive chat with Vass Manduc before the group meets together so that Master Konur can reveal that he believes he has found the planet where Dorsk 82 must be: Selvaris. They make preparations to finish their business on Khomm and depart immediately.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
11 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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