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Session 22: A Familiar Face, Part VII

General Summary

Day 9, Morning
After getting some sleep, Master Konur rouses his padawans early in the morning to prepare for what will be an eventful day. He says that he will take their unnamed prisoner to start his new life while The Initiates do some research to see if there are any appropriate criminal rehabilitation facilities on Khomm or nearby planets for Vass Manduc  After Master Konur leaves, Tomla talks to Lyshea about Vass their plans for Vass, and she says that she wants to help. Lem is able to find a facility in the city of Khomm 33 that looks promising, so they make plans to go check it out. Rin chooses to stay on the ship to try to connect with The First Born. He sends a small electrical shock to Salty's charging port, which the droid does not take well. Rin tries to make up for it by giving him the blaster-equipped droid arm that he took from the droid factory, but Salty still seemed upset.    At Khomm Clone Reprogramming Facility #12, the trio meet with Edor 76, the administrator of the facility. She takes them on a disturbing tour where they see catatonic Khommites with brain surgery scars, clones throwing themselves against plasteel walls without regard for personal injury, and Edor's pride a joy, his Wookie patient on which he is conducting experiments to adapt clone reprogramming techniques to non-clone aliens. While Lyshea sees this as a secure location with the opportunity for Vass' life to provide value in the form of medical research, Tomla and Lem are horrified and tell her that they must wait to discuss until they return to The Mynock's Wing.   During that time, Rin sends an encrypted message to Rosk 1, warning him of the impending attack sent by Sestra 638. However, he is interrupted by an amusing attack by Salty and four mouse droids that he has armed with shock prods. Concerned, but unharmed, Rin continues his work until the others return. Lyshea's frustration and anger bleed to the others through her Zeltron empathy, causing a near catastrophe. Lem copes with the unwanted emotions by defaulting to calisthenics while Rin hides in a corner of the cargo bay trying to build a weapon out of scraps. Tomla meditates and is able break free of the rising tensions while Lem is able to eventually calm Lyshea down and bring everyone back to peace. Unfortunately, they still aren't able to agree about the rehabilitation facility.    Soon after, Rosk 1 responds to Rin, thanking him and letting him know that they are on the move. At the same time, Master Konur returns and everyone meets in the cargo bay to discuss Vass and their next move. After quite a bit of discussion and arguing, Master Konur says they should meditate on the matter and seek clarity through the Force. Through the meditation, Master Konur says that in order for Lyshea to avoid a dark path, she cannot remain around Vass. However, since they cannot agree to leave him at the facility and they don't have time to find another possible secure location for him, the best option is to leave Lyshea on Khomm. Rin also has concerns about the attack on the First Born that will be coming any minute and asks Lyshea if she would be willing to help them out while she's on planet, to which she readily agrees. Rin gives her a sniper rifle and 200 credits, and Lyshea says her goodbyes to her friends.    With that, Rin pilots the Mynock's Wing to Selvaris to discover what Dorsk 82 has been up to. However, as he is leaving the planet, he senses a disturbing presence in the Force arriving in the system at the same time: Rosk 5. Putting two and two together, Rin realizes that Rosk 5, being an abandoned Khommite clone and current head of the criminal enterprise The Onyx Tigers on Fresia, must be who Sestra 638 contracted to take out the First Born. Paralyzed with fear, and with the opportunity to avoid confronting his nemesis, Rin decides to say nothing to his fellow Jedi and continue on their mission.    During the trip, everyone rests and meditates, and Lem and Vass have another verbal sparring match. Master Konur also conducts Salty's routine maintenance, including a full memory wipe, after discovering that the astromech droid had somehow managed to reprogram 2-1BZ, a.k.a. 'Bonez, to poison Rin the next time he needs medical attention. However, Rin is unaware of any of this.   Day 9, Evening
Once in the Selvaris system, they are quickly able to locate the one artificial power source and find the new settlement they saw in their vision. There is a landing pad in a clearing near the colony and two figures waiting there for them. Master Konur tells his padawans that this is their final trial as padawans, and if they succeed here, they will be ready to become Jedi Knights. As they walk out of the ship together, they see that the two figures are none other than Dorsk 82 and Kyp Durron  Master Konur reminds the padawans that this is their final test as Jedi. Then takes a few steps back, toward Kyp and Dorsk 82, and says that if they have been following his training and paid attention to what he, Dorsk 82, and Kyp have been trying to show them throughout their journey, they will know that there is another path. He asks his padawans to let the three of them show Rin, Tomla, and Lem a different path.    Reminding each of them of their recent experiences, how their efforts have made little difference in the face of massive corruption, political infighting, and simple moral apathy. He reminds Rin of his failure to protect Hus Jot, Lem's failure to prevent the inevitable intergalactic war with the Yuuzhan Vong, and Tomla's failures to find peaceful solutions and resorting to violence.  Finally, he reminds them of all of the injustice, cruelty, and daily evil that they have all witnessed across multiple worlds, and tells them that the three of them can show The Initiates a path where they can right all these wrongs.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
25 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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