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Session 19: A Familiar Face, Part IV

General Summary

Day 7, Night
After the space battle, Lem goes to talk to Vass Manduc on board The Mynock's Wing. He takes off his binder cuffs, but then when he finds out that Rin can't make the ship more secure immediately, he puts them back on. While Lem board Dead Reckoning to bring Tomla and Lyshea back, Rin stays on the ship to upgrade all internal doors to require a code.   Lem apologizes to Kylett Dandean for the bomb incident, but he's not terribly adept at diplomacy. Reluctantly, Kylett accepts his and Tomla's apologies since they did save her ship and crew, and even offers an engine upgrade their ship. With their business concluded with the The Alderaan Raiders, they all head back to the The Mynock's Wing.   With everyone back aboard, Lem takes the opportunity to apologize for his past behavior and promises to run decisions by the others in the future, including Lyshea. Before they all head to bed to get some rest they decide to check on their other prisoner who they haven't tended to in a couple days. They find him malnourished and filthy, so they get their new medical droid, 2-1BZ, a.k.a. 'Bonez, to take him to the cargo bay to treat him. The collective guilt at having ignored a person in their care for so long has all of the Jedi feeling the pull of the dark side.   Day 8, morning
Master Dal Konur comms the The Mynock's Wing in the morning to let them know he's in the system and he'll meet them at the Khomm 1 docking station whenever they're ready. After checking on their prisoners, the Jedi talk to Lyshea about what to do with Vass Manduc. She does not like the idea of Vass being free and a member of the crew, and she doesn't understand why his opportunity for redemption is more important than her safety. They all agree to discuss with Master Konur when they meet up with him. As they don't want to keep their Master waiting, Rin tells the The Alderaan Raiders to hold on to the engine and they'll coordinate later.   When they land in their docking bay in Khomm 1, they see a droid there waiting for them. As soon as they leave the ship to investigate, they hear an explosion, and Rin suddenly realizes that the droid is an A-series assassin droid. Before they have an opportunity to act, the droid shoots at Rin and Lem, wounding both. The situation worsens when the party realizes that the explosion they heard has caused the entire bay to be flooded with radiation. Lem comms Master Konur to tell him they are in trouble as Rin comms SQ-GE3, a.k.a. Squeegy to send their coordinates to Master Konur. Lyshea runs back onto the ship with a purpose. As the Jedi begin their attack on the droid, it fires a direct shot to Tomla's torso, hurting her badly. With the radiation starting to impede their ability to fight, Tomla takes out her lightsaber in a rare flourish. With their attacks doing little damage to the combat droid, suddenly they see the ship's turret point toward the upper docking bay doors, clearly Lyshea's work. Before she can fire, the doors open and the radiation starts venting harmlessly into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the damage to their bodies is done, and as the three padawans begin to succumb, the door behind the assassin droid slowly opens, revealing Master Konur. With a simple forward roll and an extension of his lightsaber, the Jedi Master slices the assassin droid in half.     Once Bonez has an opportunity to treat their radiation poisoning and more severe blaster wounds, Master Konur calls everyone into the cargo bay to meet. Surprised to see Lyshea there, he explains that this is Jedi business and that he would like to speak to his padawans alone. Lem and Rin protest, but Konur calmly explains that it is sensitive, Jedi-only information and he promises to bring Lyshea in afterward. Once the Zeltron leaves, Master Konur updates his padawans on what has been happening on Yavin IV. The plantetary comms are still blocked, likely by something in orbit that they can't detect. And worse, the Jedi Praxeum's own comms station was sabotaged, which leads them to the unthinkable - one of their own Jedi must be involved in this attack. Nothing else has happened so far though, and all of the padawans are safely off-planet. If they can't get the comms working in the next day or so, Master Skywalker intends to send someone to Coruscant to ask The New Republic for aid. Until then, they are to continue with their mission to locate Kyp Durron and/or Dorsk 82 since Master Skywalker doesn't think the events are unrelated.    Once he is finished, the padawans fill Master Konur in on their dealings with The First Born, including their request to download their Jedi training from their memories in exchange for information on where they can find Dorsk 82. Rin, remembering the data that he stole from the First Born during the battle with the droids, pulls it up for everyone to review. It describes Dorsk 82's recent involvement with the First Born and his interest in stealing powerful communications jamming equipment from the Khomm Central Population Planning. This seems to implicate Dorsk 82 somehow in the comms outage on Yavin IV, and they all agree that their next step is to investigate Dorsk 82's role in the communications outage.    Next, they discuss their prisoners. Lem advocates for rehabing Vass, but Master Konur expresses some concern about all of these "distractions" that have impaired their primary mission. He explains that their lapse in training this past week has been unfortunate and resolves to restart their regular training sessions immediately. As for Vass, he suggests that they hand him over to a facility that can begin his rehabilitation process. Once Lem passes his trials and becomes a Jedi Knight, he can take on Vass' rehabilitation as his first chosen mission. Lem agrees with this. As for their other prisoner, it seems that he has been through enough and is more interested in being safe than resuming a life of crime. Therefore, Master Konur decides that once he is fully recuperated, they will find him passage to whichever world that he wishes and suggest that he start over. Finally, they discuss Lyshea. Tomla advocates for her to be evaluated as a potential trainee of the academy, but Konur has his doubts about her natural connection to the Force. Either way, Master Konur agrees that Lyshea can remain on the ship for the time being since she has proven to be a valuable member of the crew. With that, he dismisses the padawans and tells them to take 10 minutes to prepare for their training.    Their training begins with Master Konur asking each of them to telepathically recite to Jedi Code to them. While Tomla is successful, Lem and Rin are embarrassed be their failure to remember some of their basics from training at the Academy. With a sigh, Master Konur says that he will continue their training individually from here through the rest of the morning.
The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
04 Dec 2020
Primary Location

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