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Session 11: A Deadly Game, Part VII

General Summary

In the hospital in Northwest Coromons, Lem is still in the morgue waiting for Rin. He doesn't see anything immediately amiss with Hus Jot's body, but he isn't able to get a close look with the hospital administrator next to him. In an effort to make her as uncomfortable as possible so that she'll leave, Lem convincingly cries quite loudly and gains a few precious minutes to more closely investigate the body. However, even on closer inspection, and likely due to his lack of knowledge of Gotal physiology, he isn't able to perceive anything more than what the hospital told him.   Back at the entrance of the hospital, Rin and Tomla meet back up after Tomla's intervention with the The Onyx Tigers outside. Trying to access a hospital terminal to view Hus' medical records, Rin asks Tomla to create a distraction to get the receptionist to step away for a moment. Tomla agrees and begins to fake an Ithorian heart attack. To really sell the deception, Rin tells Tomla telepathically to throw up, but unfortunately his inexperience in the Force causes the suggestion to be more powerful than he planned and Tomla involuntarily throws up on the floor. The receptionist and a nurse take Tomla back to a room, allowing Rin to download Hus' medical records to the The Mynock's Wing. Tomla, not being naturally skilled in deception, ends up presenting to the doctor as a spice addict in withdrawal and promptly leaves before further indignity can befall her. With everyone back together at the hospital entrance, Tomla fills the others in on what happened outside with the thieves and the barrel of bacta as they all head back to the ship.   As Tomla checks on the Tiger prisoner in their cargo room, S19-A1 translates the medical jargon in Hus' records and explains that he was almost certainly killed by a visitor who stopped by a couple of hours before his death. It seems almost certain that this visitor, who left a fake name, added some sort of poison to the bacta tank, killing Hus. As they are discussing this latest revelation, the holofeed of the Headhunter Hunt plays in the background, and a transition to a local news report catches Lem's eye. The anchor mentions that a local man was found on the shore of The Resort in Northwest Coromons with a partially healed severed spine and a message burned into his chest, "Lyshea next". With it being quite late and Lyshea already being asleep, the padawans agree to all turn in for the night after briefly discussing the game plan for the next day. Before turning in, Rin rigs the ship's sensors to notify them if anyone enters the hangar bay, just to make sure they're ready in case the Tigers come looking for Lyshea.   In the morning, Tomla talks to Lyshea and tells her about the news. Lyshea freaks out and tries to leave, running off the ship. Tomla is barely able to calm her down and get her to return, but Lyshea remains in near hysterics, especially since she also heard that Hus was assassinated. Rin and Lem watch the holofeed of the last of the Headhunter Hunt, which shows participants lining up for the transport on the beach. About 30 participants seems to have survived, including the Trandoshan Sissk. At the last minute, just before the transport takes off, the two participants that The Initiates rescued run out of the jungle and make it onto the transport. They watch the award ceremony, with the opening speech being given by the Vice President of Sales at Incom Corporation, Cidcreper, who they all immediately recognize as the Twi'lek that they saw meeting with Vass Manduc on the beach (Session 6: A Deadly Game, Part II), as well as the person that Kyp Durron was communicating with about purchasing Z-95 Headhunters (Session 3: Ruins of Carida, Part II). At the ceremony, the CEO of Incom, Kritia Haccor, gives Sissk special recognition as the participant with a record number of kills in the history of the hunt, three. The participants that they helped win 2 Z-95's and most others won 1.   With all that has transpired in the last few hours, the group agrees that they can't just sit around waiting for the Onyx Tigers to attack Lyshea, and they need to refocus on what they originally came here for: to find Kyp. Based on this, Lem comms Captain Jacen and asks to meet at the Mynock's Wing in 1 hour. While waiting, Rin checks the cameras that they set up in hangar bay 12, where participants are supposed to meet the mysterious "KD", and sees that a ship has just arrived. A man steps out, which Rin immediately identifies as a Khommite, a race of near-identical clones. This spooks Rin into a near comatose state, to the shock of his colleagues. A short time later, a group of people arrive and wait outside the hangar. The party sees that some of them are participants from the Headhunter Hunt, while others are unknown to them. The Khommite greets them and speaks a few words to them before returning to the hangar bay and the crowd disperses. The man returns to his ship and the ship takes off. Since there is no audio from the cameras, they don't know what was said. Rin then explains his reaction, telling his comrades a bit about his past, and his former captain, Rosk 5, a Khommite who has a deadly vendetta against him.   Lem heads out to catch up with one of the people that was gathered at hangar 12. He finds one and bumps into him. He finds out that they are supposed to meet again tonight at the same hangar bay in order to hand over their Z-95 ship registrations in exchange for passage off world and to a life on a new planet. On the way back, Lem runs into Captain Jacen and they go on board the Mynock's Wing to talk. The Jedi fill him in on how they know Lyshea and what has happened. During the conversation, Tomla takes Lem aside and says she's promised Lyshea that she won't leave her alone, and she's not willing to hand her over to the local authorities who may be corrupt. As a compromise, Captain Jacen says he will take Lyshea to the ISO HQ with another officer as backup, and Tomla can come too in order to further ensure her safety. Tomla uses the Force to convince Captain Jacen that he needs to return to the ISO headquarters to get backup in person. Tomla then explains to Lem how upset she is that he would make a decision to hand over Lyshea without discussing with the others, and Lem explains that he thought that they all agreed that they couldn't babysit her and abandon their mission. Their argument seems beyond resolution, so Tomla and Lyshea start packing and putting on disguises. When Lem asks what they are doing, Tomla explains that she's taking Lyshea into the jungles of ViGureni so that the Tigers can't find her. Lem tries to talk her out of it, but Tomla is set on doing whatever it takes to keep the Zeltron safe. Rin remains preoccupied with thoughts of Rosk 5, as well as his recent failure at protecting Hus, and ends up agreeing with Tomla's plan. Lem concedes, and begins planning how he will explain everything to Captain Jacob Jason.   Tomla and Lyshea convince a speeder taxi to take them to the beach at Vigureni, where they are dropped off. Soon after, Tomla notices a person sneaking through the jungle. She hides with Lyshea behind a large rock and tries to use her force powers to lift a small rock to throw as a distraction. However, the Zeltron's emotional distress bleeds over the her, making it difficult to concentrate. Seeing the Jedi fail at lifting even a small rock, Lyshea looses faith in her protector. Tomla explains to her that she needs to remain calm so that she can concentrate. She does, and Tomla uses her incredible force powers to rip an entire tree out of the ground and hurling it out into the jungle, causing the person at the treeline to run off.   Meanwhile, back the Mynock's Wing, Captain Jacen returns with another officer. Lem lies to him and explains that Lyshea snuck out of the ship and fled. Captain Jacen starts to go check The Dock security feed, but Lem somehow manages to convince him that he will take care of that and report back to him. Lem then heads to hangar 12 to find a good hiding place for when the Khommite returns for the exchange. Rin heads over to The Mall to purchase a tracking device for Lem to place on the mysterious man's ship. Both of them dodge multiple calls from Captain Jacen as they wait for the exchange to go down.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
11 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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