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Session 8: A Deadly Game, Part IV

General Summary

After recovering Hus Jot after being shot by The Onyx Tigers assassins, Rin and Lem head to the hospital in a speeder with one of the critically injured Tigers. On the way, they see a massive explosion coming from the Destroyer and all three padawans feel a massive loss of life in the Force. After arriving at the hospital on Northwest Coromons, the two take the injured men and check them in. Rin provides his com frequency to the hospital staff for notifications.   Walking toward the speeder platform to get back to The Mynock's Wing, Lem and Rin see news reports about the bombing and find out that the The True and Loyals are claiming responsibility. Speeder taxis are on lockdown due to the terrorist attack, so Tomla flies the Mynock's Wing over to them with impressive skill despite not being a pilot. Rin and Lem jump into the ship and Rin cockily takes the pilot seat, smashing the ship into the ground before flying away.   The Initiates call emergency services, asking for permission to land on The Destroyer as they may have information that could help. Captain Jason approves and says they can land on the south side of the island. Flying over immediately, Rin doesn't think to do a routine check of the ship and The Mynock's Wing runs out of fuel. Crashing somewhat near the landing spot on The Destroyer, Salty screeches at him for his incompetence. They meet Captain Jason outside and tell him about their experience with the T&L. He thanks them and says he will reach out to Jaychan Warsil at Carida Memorial Station. The padawans search the scene briefly before Rin repairs the ship and Captain Jason provides some fuel for them. In relative safety, they all head to sleep as it is getting quite late.   In the morning, Tomla calls the Sullustan, Beck Nhallip who is excited to hear from her and confirms their appointment. They take the ship back to the Dock and Tomla and Lem head to Coromon Besh to meet with him. Meanwhile, Rin borrows some money from Lem and heads to The Mall to buy some cheap tech to set up cameras in the docking bay where "KD" is supposed to meet with the people tomorrow morning to exchange Z-95 Headhunters for relocation on another planet. He also buys some clothes to disguise himself as a Bith. After bartering for a bit and getting the equipment he needs, he goes back to the ship to put it all together and put on his disguise. At docking bay 12, he sets up several cameras with various degrees of obfuscation.   On Coromon Besh 1, Tomla and Rin meet Beck who takes them in a private Incom speeder to Coromon Besh 2, where the restricted lab for Incom Corporation is located. The two receive visitor badges and head to Beck's lab. As he explains his research, it becomes increasingly clear that not only does he have nothing to do with the new organism that was found, he is working on biological warfare weapons that are likely illegal. However, they do get Beck to agree to introduce them to his boss, who is the head of the biological research department for Incom, although he won't be available until after the Headhunter Hunt. Heading back to the ship, Tomla check on Lyshea while Lem watches the live holo feed of the Headhunter Hunt.   After installing the cameras, Rin heads back to the ship, still in his disguise. Tomla and Lem don't recognize him and believe there is a stranger on the ship. Even worse, Lyshea sees him, screams and runs off the ship with Tomla following close behind. Lem pulls his lightsaber, as does Rin as he tries to explain who he is. Tomla finally gets Lyshea to stop by using the Forece to remind her that she can trust her, and although she is still terrified that someone from the Onyx Tigers could get onto the ship and kill her, she does return to the ship with Tomla. Rin explains who he is and apologizes for the mix-up, and the team fills each other in on their recent exploits.   As they are talking and watching the headhunter hunt passively, the feed is cut as the first death of the hunt is televised. Rin sees that the body is riddled with sniper blast bolts. They call Captain Jason and let him know what they saw, but he doesn't care as he has "more important things to deal with". Lem and Rin decide to head to ViGureni to investigate and Tomla stays on the ship as she wants to try to keep trying to reach Master Konur. Knowing that they can't get a speeder there, Rin and Lem go to the docking bay where Hus' ship is stored. Rin hacks the security pad immediately and with flourish, but it is short-lived as smoke pours out of the open blast door. The ship has been blown up by planted explosives, and emergency crew are rushing in to contain the situation. With no other options, they head back to the Mynock's Wing and argue with Tomla about using the ship to go to ViGureni. Rin doesn't wait to convince her and instead just takes off toward the jungle. Tomla eventually relents as they land on a secluded beach to avoid being picked up by the holocams.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
14 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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