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Session 7: A Deadly Game, Part III

General Summary

After capturing an escaping Vass Manduc on his private beach at The Resort on Northwest Coromons and letting the Twi'lek he was meeting with escape, the group now finds itself hiding behind a rock from local security. As Tomla tries to reassure the Zeltron that they rescued, Master Dal Konur calls them on their comlinks asking for an update. After Lem tries to dodge the issue, Rin tells Master Konur that they are in trouble and need a pickup in The Mynock's Wing. While waiting, security heads in their direction. Thankfully, the Zeltron woman distracts them long enough for MAster Konur to arrive. Not knowing what else to do, the party drops Master Konur on the beach, throws him his gun back, and board the ship (some more gracefully than others).   Back on the ship, they fill Master Konur in on what happened. He is less than pleased at having yet another guest on the ship, but understands their predicament. He explains that he has been unable to reach anyone at Yavin IV and he's getting very concerned. Rin lets Hus Jot know that Vass Manduc agreed to drop his debt, but after hearing what they did to him, Hus is panicked and angry, feeling certain that The Onyx Tigers are going to kill him. When Master Konur asks his padawans if their little adventure yielded any new info on Kyp's business on Fresia, they have to admit that it didn't and that they were following up on various things they've heard about the Headhunter Hunt.   They ask the Zeltron, Lyshea, what she overheard between Vass and the Twi'lek. She says that she heard them talking about getting the Tigers access to additional Incom Corporation facilities on other planets, leading her to believe the the Twi'lek was some higher up at Incom. However, they never used his name. But she heard enough that she's now certain that he life is also in danger, like Hus'. When the group starts talking about what they've heard about the Headhunter Hunt, Lyshea says that she had also heard that someone named "KD" or "KT" or something was offering anyone who donates a Z-95 Headhunter, the prize from the Headhunter Hunt, a complete relocation package for that person and their family on another world. Anyone who donates that ship is supposed to meet at The Dock in docking wing 1, bay 12 the morning after the hunt. Apparently the Tigers were looking at trying to make some money by selling old Z-95's to people desperate to start a new life off-planet.   With no real leads on Kyp besides some possible link with this mysterious "KD" and the Headhunter Hunt, the Jedi don't see any other option. Master Konur will procure a small ship and head back to the Jedi Academy while the padawans continue looking into what Kyp was doing here and where he was headed next. Master Konur will likely be out of communication but hopes to return to Fresia in a day or two.   As Master Konur leaves, and with night approaching, Tomla and Rin head to The Park to get treatment for their blaster wounds from the beach. While there, they run into a Sullustan who lost his Incom security badge. Tomla helps him find it and he offers to give her a private tour of his lab on Coromon Besh.   Lem agreed to watch the ship while the others went to the clinic, but soon after they leave, he sneaks out to Coromon Besh to see if he can find the masquer that was discovered the day before. He arrives via speeder and talks his way past the local security. Sneaking his way to the lab on Coromon Besh 1, he cuts a hole in the side of a lab and start looking around. An Incom lab tech who was working late sees Lem and the hole in the wall, but Lem is also able to talk his way out of that situation. Realizing that such high-profile and important research would likely be on the restricted second island of Coromon Besh, he heads back to the ship, dodging comlink calls from Rin.   On their way back to the ship, Tomla and Rin see a suspicious speeder heading toward The Destroyer on the Northwest Coromons. Not sure what this means and with Lem not answering his comlink, they decide to continue to the ship. Once there, they find that both Lem and Hus are gone. Rin reaches into the force to try to find Hus, seeing a vision of him in his apartment, frantically packing his things. Lem comes running onto the ship a few minutes later, lying blatantly about where he had been. Tomla calls him out on it, causing Lem to come clean and tell her everything. She reminds Lem that they are a team and that they must work together, promising to help him with his personal mission once more urgent matters are settled, which Lem really appreciates.   Lem and Rin agree to head to the Lower Coromons to make sure that Hus is safe while Tomla stays on the ship and arranges a tour of the restricted lab with the Sullustan she met. As Rin and Lem head out, Rin sees a news report about an attack in progress on The Destroyer. They see this as the perfect distraction for them to break into the lab on Coromon Besh after they collect Hus. They check with Salty to see if he can find Hus' address, but since he doesn't get back to them right away, they find it at the welcome center kiosk and head out. A while later, Salty responds with an obviously incorrect address.   Tomla checks in with Lyshea and Salty, making sure that everything on the ship is ok. Salty complains about all of the "biological residue" on his charging station. Tomla takes the opportunity to clean the ship head toe, including the charging station. Once he realizes what she's done, Salty thanks Tomla, expressing uncharacteristic appreciation and - more shockingly - speechlessness. Salty gives Rin and Lem the wrong place for Hus' address.   On arriving at the Lower Coromons, Rin puts on a disguise to make himself fit in better. As they walk toward the apartment complex, they hear blaster fire. Rushing toward the sound, they see two people standing over Hus' body on the steps of the building. Lem immediately draws his lightsaber and rushes toward them. Rin follows suit and runs up, firing his blaster. deescalate   Meanwhile, back on the ship, Tomla calls the Sullustan that she met. He thanks her again and they agree to meet on Coromon Besh speeder platform the next morning. It is during the Headhunter Hunt, but he has a project that he has to attend to anyway, and there will be fewer people there as well. Tomla then goes to check on Lyshea. The Zeltron says that she feels like she'll never be safe and has no idea where to go. She's like to stay on Fresia and continue to make an independent living for the first time in her life, but she doesn't see how that's possible. Tomla promises to do what she can and shows her around the ship to make her feel more comfortable. Worried about her companions, Tomla meditates, reaching out in the force to feel that Rin and Lem are alive and barely out of danger.   Lem and Rin question the surrendered assassin who says that Vass Manduc told them to go kill Hus. Rin uses his most threatening tone and tells her to go back to Vass and tell him that "there are certain people on Fresia under his protection and that he needs to adhere to the promises that he made. As a man of his word, he is not going to attack these people again." She runs off.   Rins sees that Hus is barely breathing and rushes over to use a medpac on him. He is barely able to stabilize him, keeping him alive a short while longer. Just then, Lem calls Rin over to help him stabilize the Onyx Tiger that he cut down. He does and then they each pick up one of the unconscious men and head to the speeder platform. With a small bribe, they load them into the speeder and head to the hospital at The Mall on Northwest Coromons.   As they head out on the speeder to save the lives of the two wounded people in their care, Lem and Rin see a massive explosion on The Destroyer at Northwest Coromons. At the same moment, all three padawans feel a sudden loss of life through the Force. Rin is devastated and instinctively tries to call Master Konur who is of course out of range. Lem relies on his training and tries to control the situation, compartmentalizing in order to keep everyone safe. He calls Tomla to make sure she is ok. Tomla's connection to the Force is too strong, and she can only sob as she feels each individual loss of life.

Character(s) interacted with

The Threat from Within
Rin Tos
Lem "Lemmy" Kolo
Tomla Niron
Report Date
07 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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