Letter from Western Imperial Temple

An Official Letter:

May Azimir smile upon your reign as he did upon your father's. The support of the Western Imperial Temple of Azimir is yours as it was Gilgaed's, and I trust you shall perpetuate his traditions of justice and integrity. Tuornen needs a firm and  cautious hand, a careful and pious ruler. I pray to Azimir to give you strength of spirit and wisdom of judgment, that you may preserve and defend this land and all its people.

The citizens of Tuornen, from the meanest field grub to the noblest members of your court, are a proud people. In many hearts, this pride resolves itself in strength of purpose and unvanquished loyalty. In others, pride burns too brightly, impelling even the most highly regarded servants of the realm to rash and even foolish action. I implore you to keep a cool hand on these feverish hearts, lest they plunge us all into a sea of destruction and dissolu- tion before they are quenched.

  Of Tuornen's foes, the most threatening is certainly Alamie. Your most potent weapon against Carilon Alam's schemes is a keen mind and a willing diplomacy. While both Boeruine and Avanil offer you compelling alliances, I caution you against pledging yourself to either the archduke or the prince. It is far too soon to see which of them will prevail in their current struggle for the Iron Throne, and woe to Tuornen should we be found on the wrong side.

Any alliance with the reprehensible Baron of Ghoere is inconceivable, of course, and Alamie remains unresponsive to our most sincere efforts at reconciliation so long as the plotting Carilon Alam rules in Lofton. Endier remains a friendly neighbor, but not a very dependable one; Caine's control of Tuornen's sources has long benefited the wizard of Endier, but he has yet to reciprocate. Do not place your trust in his promises.

Before his present infirmity, Gilgaed Flaertes established slight but promising communications with Elinie  and Mhoried . Both the Patriarch of Elinie and the Mhor praised Gilgaed's careful neutrality, and doubtless they would value the same in you. I encourage you to pursue these friendships with all seemly haste. Though these realms do not border Tuornen, their strategic value must not be dismissed.

To guide the hearts of Tuornen's people, you may always trust the Western Imperial Temple. While your predecessor chose, in his discretion, to grant the Militant Order of Cuiraecen increased holdings throughout the northern counties, they operate mainly to bolster our modest armies. In that capacity, they shall serve you well. But has it not always been the Imperial Temple of Azimir that has best knit the wounds of past wars? Is it not this loyal church which has most fervently supported the rightful regent of Tuornen? I beg you consider our history of service when next allotting lands for temples and monastic holdings. Your wisdom shall repay you in this decision.

Your Humble Adviser, Rhobher Nichaleir, Archprelate Western Imperial Temple of Azimir