Roesones Foreign Affairs

The Archpriest Suris Enlien of Medoere  sends her most heartfelt condolences on the passing of your father, my lord baron, and offers the guidance of a certain Patriarch Tosiere in your time of grief. The patriarch and his retinue are quartered in the Crown and Lion, the finest inn of Rockwell, waiting for your response. Undoubtedly, the patriarch has more on his mind than words of comfort. Medoere has been a very useful ally for several years now, standing as they do between you and Diemed. Rogr Aglondier, Count of Ilien, sends his condolences as well, and congratulates you on your coronation. He hopes that you will honor the friendship he shared with your father. I have always thought that Ilien needed our protection to flourish, my lord; perhaps this is a good time to seek a more formal agreement with the count concerning his status as a free city under our protection.
Liliene Swordwraith, Queen of Aerenwae, sends her greetings, and conveys her wish that you honor the peace your father enjoyed with her realm. She earnestly hopes that you will act to guard the Erebannien from any more logging or settling, especially in the province of Abbatuor. The Aerenweans have generally given up hope of bringing your eastern lands back under their rule; I suspect that Liliene's desire for continued peace is stronger than her desire to see the Erebannien remain unspoiled.
The baron Gavin Tael of Ghoere sends his greetings, and speaks highly of your father's rule. He also suggests that he would be willing to formally recognize your claim to all the lands of Roesone, in return for your acknowledgement of his claim to the Iron Throne of Avonlae. Of course, he offers you nothing you don't already have, but Ghoere's friendship would be a great deterrent to Dieman aggression. Baron Ghoere notes that the province of Bellam  was once under his family's rule (an exaggeration at best), and hints that it might fall back under his control if you don't cement your friendship with Ghoere. This is probably nothing more than arrogant gloating, although Ghoere's aggressive tendencies are well known to southern Avonlae
We have heard nothing from The Spider. The creature is silent, as always. Some of your bolder subjects are saying that the awnshegh must be dead, for it hasn't been seen in many years. I would not subscribe to this rumor myself. The monster has lived in the Spiderfell since the rise of Avonlae, and I see no reason for it to conveniently perish now. The people of Ghoried report that Goblinss and gnolls are raiding from the woods in greater numbers, and request that you strengthen the garrison there.