The Dead Forest Geographic Location in Stellapent Cier | World Anvil
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The Dead Forest

Thousands of settlers were consumed by the forest, causing it to grow at an uncontrollable rate. It’s said that the spirits of the consumed are still trapped within The Dead Forest and some adventurers from the Aegis Fields can hear desperate cries for help echoing from the blackened trees.
  The Dead Forest is a large swath of marshy swamp land in the south-eastern corner of Aegis Fields. It is home to a plethora of dark creatures and mega-fauna. Many are dissuaded from approaching, let alone, entering the forest.


It is nearly impossible to navigate The Dead Forest without a strong light source. Day or night, it doesn't matter - over time, the forest's trees and grass has formed such a thick canopy that the Dead Forest is shrouded in constant shade (hence its alternate name). Even in open areas where the sky is fully visible, dark energies that saturate the soil seems to "sap" light itself, painting the sky in unnatural colors.   These dark energies have had a huge effect on the wildlife as well, mutating and drawing in disturbing beings and spirits. The forest's danger not only wards people away - it attracts the most daring, for journeymen naturally assume where there is risk, there is automatically reward. Despite this, those trekking the Dead Forest will find very little, besides death and disillusionment.

by Amy

Alternative Name(s)
The Dark Forest, The Bog
Wetland / Swamp
Location under
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Amy


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