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The nomadic elven tribes of the Dune Sea. The Rhok'delar are the elves of Chean who choose to remain as true as possible to the teachings of Au'ril and refused to settle in the shadow of Mount Taniyan. Although they continue to respect its authoriy, the Rhok'delar have lost all but one of their seats on The Council of Searing Sun, the governing body of Chean.   As a people they are not xenophobic but strive to maintain a unified practice of technology, tradition and magic. Or rather rejection of traditional "magic" . As distinct as their graceful Sand Skimmers or as deadly as their domesticated Bulletes, the Rhok'delar practice a unique expression of psionic power in accordance with strict traditions.   Their abilities are unique to those raised in the Dune Sea and within the shadows of the Pillars of Creation, as it can not be understood as truly arcane or divine magic. The psionic manifestations, whether its be blades or hammers or cups, are invaluable to dessert survival, and the color of these manifestations are often seen as insight into the mind of the summoner.   The Rhokdel'ar live in small nomadic groups who wanted the dessert into routes that can last centuries, as these sacred paths are not only some of the few livable passageways through the harsh dessert, but also form an intricate pattern in accordance to Au'ril's wishes. Some Rhok'delar choose to self isolate however, and leave their communities to better understand the dessert. These outcasts tend to follow one of two paths, the Aur'il-Tan or the Mal'Falak, as those who wander the dessert alone, die.   The Rhok'delar maintain a distant but friendly relationship with the Sentinals of Arashain as well as the natives of Zrald. However their relationship with all their neighbors are not as friendly, as they have been at war with Numaria for the last 20 years. A relatively slow moving battle as compared to the larger The Great Plains War, the continued conflict with Porseira has seen the Rhok'delar grow more weary and fewer in number.   Most groups listen to the authority of Rhones Porum, a H'rethi of great renown, as he helped protect the Sandsteppe Citadels and has even succeeded in open conflict against Barak'dor. But no matter how intelligent or clever of a commander he has proven, he has never been infaliable and each lost wounds the Rhok'delar more then they can bare.

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