"All things considered, sitting in the early morning dappled sun shafts of a forest with a steaming cup of tea in my hands is the third most peaceful thing I know."

This page has many many gaps and is still under heavy edit!
Avianne Vorard (a.k.a "Avianne Thodis"), Eldest Daughter of House Vorard
Merchant || Adventure's Guild Contact || Magic Artificer || Natural Healer

    Species and Race

    Wildwood Elezen




    Just over Six Fulms- Bit short for an Elezen


    A bit soft but toned arms and legs


    Wavy, long black. Healthy, and shiny.


    New-Pine with grey and copper flecks.

    Apparent Age

    Eary 30ies



An OOC Note:
This extensive page is used by me to flesh out my characters fully and it is pretty detailed. By no means is it required reading. If you want to read it then by all means go ahead! I'm always flattered and humbled when people do. Thank you for reading if you do, it not we'll discover together in RP!
Table of Contents


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  • Hot Tea of all Kinds
  • She has her favorites but they usually depend on her mood and the weather and she's always up to try something new.
  • Autumn Months
  • The smell of the crunchy leaves underfoot, the brilliant colors making it look like everything is on fire, the first signs of frost.
  • Cold and Stormy Weather
  • More than once she's been caught staring towards the north as snow drifts down on her bare shoulders or lightning lances the skies. Strange that she's never been to Coerthas with how much she seems to love snow and cold whenever it reaches into the Shroud.
  • Flowers
  • Nothing is as pure and simple as giving a girl a flower, or several.
  • Fiction Books
  • Tucked away in many corners of her cottage are fiction books of all kinds including genres like romance, Garlean-tech, and ancient-historical fiction.
  • Music
  • Woodwinds and Strings to be specific. While she has no skill of her own she can easily be captured by the push and pull of the melody. She's even been known to dance.
  • Hot Baths
  • Bubbles and steam. There's no better way to relax under the sunset or stars.
  • Children
  • She is more than comfortable around children. Their inquisitive nature and playful spirit make her smile and she has a patience and natural maternal instinct that lets her interact with them easily.
    Skills and Abilities
  • Aether-Infused Item Identification and Creation
  • Through various methods she has become skilled in identifying the nature and/or function of an enchantment or aetheric manipulation put onto an object. In turn, she has also become skilled at applying various aetheric attributes to objects and trinkets. Many think that they are of little consequence but some swear by her subtle work.
  • Green Thumb
  • One has but to look at the land surrounding her cottage to know that this woman has a knack for plants. From medicinal herbs to fresh fruit and vegetables, to the most colorful and bountiful flowers in a riot of colors and types.
  • Natural Healing
  • Though unskilled in magical healing the use of herbs, tinctures, teas, hearty food, rest, and compassion seem to ease most maladies she's faced with and word has gotten around. She's also been known not to blab about how someone may have gotten an injury or ailment be it criminal, idiotic, or otherwise.
  • Cooking- Bread, Soup, and Pies are specialties
  • Whenever someone comes to visit, on business or otherwise, there's always a delicious and hearty meal in the works.
  • Equanimity
  • Of course emotions are raging within this character, but all things are approached with a practiced mental calmness making her seem unruffled and steady.
  • Secret Keeper
  • It doesn't seem to matter what she witnesses or what she hears she's one of the best secret keepers you'll know. And she's a great listener to boot.
  • Failure
  • She hates to disappoint and while she walks a thin line between people-pleasing and perfectionism it's clear she will do all in her power to protect herself from whatever comes after she fails.
  • Those who are Impatient
  • Others who are impatient hurt themselves or get others hurt. Besides there's almost nothing more annoying than feeling rushed.
  • Slobs
  • It's one thing to live in the house that you own, but it's another to present so little care about yourself and your belongings as to be a slob. Clean, well-presented well-mannered individuals with tidy habits are more likely to be seen favorably. She honestly finds habitual slobs distracting and offputting.
  • Excuses and Liars
  • To her excuses and lies are displays of a weak morality and a lacking soul. She won't trust those that she catches lying or providing excuses instead of just owning up and getting better.
  • Lack of Faith
  • While she isn't someone to sit in a church service, not anymore at least, she finds people who have a lack of faith in the gods to be very disturbing. To her, there's a difference between being religious and having faith.
  • The Dark
  • Whenever darkness falls she always has a lantern, candle, fire, torch, or aether-infused object giving off light. On the surface, it may not seem like it bothers her but she's practiced in covering up this weakness.
  • Claustrophobia
  • Tight quarters, the thin passage of a cavern, even the blankets being wrapped too tightly around her.
  • Of Being 'Stuck'
  • Unable to move, unable to escape or have the freedom to do what she wants to do. Of being stuck in one place, doing the same thing due to circumstances outside her control.
  • Magically Created Sickness
  • The most stubborn, pervasive, volatile, and cruel forms of sickness. An aberration of nature and aether she has a deep-rooted fear of these sicknesses.

Socially Awkward
Go with the Flow

Hooks and Points of Interest

An OOC Note:
These are just some basic ideas. Always feel free to take a tidbit from the rest of her write-up to make an idea or you can chat! I may be shy as hell but if you tell me you're shy too I suddenly turn into a mama bear with more personality than I know what to do with who's gonna make damn sure you have a good time. Let's figure something out together that works for both characters!
  • Black Chocobo
  • Whenever Avianne travels she is either riding on the back of a rather large black chocobo or that same chocobo is pulling a cart usually filled with various goods. This bird has fine, thick feathers, lustrous beak and talons, and a sparkling gaze that can just as easily convey deadly intent as they can gentle curiosity. Seems an odd breed of chocobo for a Gardahnian native.
  • Adventure's Guild Contact-Common
  • Thodis is a common name among the Adventure's Guilds in all major towns and cities across Aldenard and Vylbrand. Contracts typically call for help with deliveries, supply gathering, archeological searches, and the odd Bounty Hunt. Her picture and first name are never in the details of these contracts so many adventurers are surprised to find an elezen woman as their contact. See Story Tools for details on what contracts are open or make your own.
  • The Bluebell Shop
  • If you're looking for something unique, aetheric, or mundane, The Bluebell Shop may have something you're looking for; from trinkets and gifts to charms and aetheric binding services. Other merchants or crafters may also recognize her from past dealings. See Story Tools for details on the Bluebell Shop.
  • Natural and Neutral Healer
  • Though her Aetheric Blanace isn't fitting for healing she has a natural grasp on more natural remedies that utilize the ather and natural properties in plants, common sense, and care. She's also been known to care for odd or magical injuries and soothe some otherwise stubborn illnesses. Some less reputable folks rumor that she won't ask questions about how or why, just patch you up and send you on your way.



Avianne truly does love her family. Her eldest brother was always her closest friend growing up and she could easily take the embarrassing pranks planned by her older brother while dishing out her revenge. And she doted upon her little sister, braiding her hair, encouraging her passion for healing, even dealing with bullies when she was too embarrassed to tell the boys. Her mother spoke softly and taught Avianne whatever she could about womanhood, femininity, and grace. Many of her best traits are learned from her mother. While her relationship with her father is complex now that only came about in the last two years of their time together. Before then her father, though harsh and a perfectionist, showed his children a softened side of him, always providing anything they wanted while still teaching them the importance of hard work and appreciation. Her resolve and strength of character came from his lessons. At her core she loves them and that is part of why she thought it was necessary to abandon them just as much as it hurt her to leave them.

House of Vorard
"Per nebulam et nivem Lumen monstrant iter florum."
Through Mist and Snow a Light to show the Path of Flowers.

House Vorard, while not exceedingly high on the social leader of Ishgardian Nobles, is still a known name and power among their ranks. They are well known for their work in funding the healing arts and teachings across Ishguard, having produced several well-known healers over various generations. Additionally, they are also known for their skill in archery and architecture.

The House Vorard Crest with the silver Lilies of House Copeur by AI-Generated
    Aurleux Vorard
    "The tenants of a great soul are as follows: Temperance, Faith, Justice, Strength, and Uncompromising Discipline. Any slight faltering in such a path is a sign of weakness that must be purged."
  • Died at the conclusion of the Dragonsong War while commanding squads of archers from the battlements of Ishguard. He was found crushed under rubble from where the ramparts of the great city collapsed but no one else seemed to die with him leading many to name him a hero who felt the wall begin to give way and rushed his men to safety.
    Orrane Vorard of House Copeur
    "A Lady's position is to balance between two incongruent truths. To be simultaneously a woman of open honesty that she may guide her family, and a woman of dark secrets that she may protect her family."
  • Died within six months of her husband's passing. Most claim that it was from a broken heart as none in Ishguard could say that Lady Orrane and Ser Aurleux were not true soul-mates. Of course, it was also widely known that the eldest daughter of House Vorard had also gone missing during the final confrontation of the Dragonsong War which likely did not help the poor widow.
    Evraut Vorard
    "My father was strong like Coerthas granite- unyielding, cold, proud. While I will not deny the pride and strength of the name Vorard I intend to be more than my father ever could."
  • Eldest son of Aurleux Vorard and Orrane Vorard of House Copeur; Now Lord of House Vorard
  • Unlike his father, who put up missing person signs for Avianne as a show, Evraut has made real efforts to try and find her. The Missing Persons posters are continually re-posted so they never wear out and contracts for bounty hunters and adventurers are often placed. All attempts have been met with failure but that doesn't seem to be a deterrent for Evraut.
    Zaillax Vorard
    "I never wanted the strain that my brother and eldest sister were put under, and I'm better off for it. Had I been subject to father like that I wouldn't have survived my burns and been allowed to discover my love of architecture."
  • Second Eldest of Aurleux Vorard and Orrane Vorard of House Copeur
  • A skilled and rather renowned knight, he ended the Dragonsong War with decorations of honor. However, due to dragonfire which burned away chunks of his right leg, arm, and abdomen, he was forced into early military retirement and became one of the many architectural planners that were commissioned to help rebuild Ishguard after the destruction. He has a decent bent towards the craft.
    Otrenne Vorard
    "Healing is more than just the science and the technology. Without a heart to guide them scientists will fall to unethical madness and technology will destroy and kill. We've seen it over and over again."
  • Youngest daughter and child of Aurleux Vorard and Orrane Vorard of House Copeur
  • Studdied the healing arts from a young age she is known around Ishguard for her talents and gentle nature. She currently works around Ishguard making medical house calls to highborn and lowborn alike curing malidies and expanding her knowledge with the high healers of the Ishguardian court.
  • The perfect noble Lady, she exemplifies everything you would expect to see out of even the highest-born noble ladies of the High Houses. Gentle, compassionate, quick-witted, accomplished in music and art, proud, well-mannered, and considered a great beauty. She was always considered to be the jewel of House Vorard even above her older sister; not many would disagree.
Erlont Kunard
Erlont Kundard
"We'll run away together. I could make a living with the porters of Gridaniah and you could have that garden you always wanted. It's not perfect, and not what you deserve... but it's all I have to offer. An honest man, with an honest trade who loves you for you."
Erlont was a scrappy, highly charismatic young man who grew in an apprenticeship under one of the most celebrated chocobo breeders in Ishguard. By chance, he and Avianne met when they were still young and a relationship soon blossomed. Over many years their love blossomed but it was, perhaps, doomed to failure. As the eldest daughter of House Vorard Avianne was expected to marry someone of equal or better standing and her father, being a proud and unyielding man, would not look favorably on a man like Erlont. In the final weeks of the Dragonsong War Erlont was killed and the circumstances of his death forced Avianne to flee.
The Thodis Family
The Thodis Family
"Family isn't about where you were born but who you choose to remain with."
Final Fantasy Fourteen Watercolor Style Image of a family of five adult male elves of varying ages and hair brown to blond colors standing around an elf woman with grey hair bent with age in a cozy medieval cottage family room
The Thodis Family by AI-Generated
When Avianne fled south to Gridania she was unprepared for just about everything. Fleeing with little thought of her future all she knew was she wanted to be away from everything she once knew. Becoming hopelessly lost in the depths of the Shroud she might have died from any number of preventable maladies if it hadn't been for the Thodis Family finding her and taking her in. As a young adult of twenty it was their lot to teach her how to live on her own and to guide her through the strain of healing her mind and heart. It is to them that she owes her life and where she takes solice when needed.

Other Relationships

Since she fled Ishguard she has made a few friends and companions but they all seem to have the same observation. She is a little too aloof and none of them know her well. The closest of her new companions know her moods and patterns but there's always been a barrier as if Avianne doesn't fully trust them. Most have given up on trying to break down those walls she's put in place and instead are content with the part of her that she's willing to give.

Manuscripts and Writings

Foundations of Tragedy
The Tragic Romance of Erlont and Avianne

Foundations of Tragedy



Articles under Avianne Thodis

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