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†Lord Krinskild

"Hello, wanderer. Welcome to my home..."  


Lord Krinskild was a crocodilian rakshasa with a fondness for experimentation and manipulation. He was first seen within his own pocket dimension (contained within a painting), where he abducted Danuk Gralar for observation purposes. Taking the half-orc's visage as his own, he left his realm to discover an unknown buyer of his painting, and continued to play the role of Danuk in order to discover the buy. Enroute to the buyer's location, Quoice Helltalon identified the rasasha as an imposter and took refuge from the inside of the painting—rescuing Danuk and destroying the painting's entrance from within. The painting was severely damaged by Quoice, who also rescued his friend through terms of an infernal contract. At an unknown time, Krinskild assumed the identity of Kidd Kroll, one of the city's nobility and heir to Kroll Shipping and Services. After disposing of Kroll, he used his identity to oversee the construction of Kroll Station, commissioned the Society of Tinkerers, Artisans, and Craftsmen's † Franklin Chitterden to construct him a clockwork guard, and planned the luxurious maiden voyage of the Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer. He formed a working relationship with the station's chief architect, Savannah Zanixis, and invited her and her crew to join her as a VIP, once the station was complete.   Later, Krinskild caught up with the Danuk and Quoice while they were working for Emma Clive to retrieve an artifact stolen by the thief Samuel Rawlings. Krinskild subdued Danuk and Quoice, but was stopped by the pirate captain, who agreed to only trade their live's for Rawlings'. Reluctantly, Krinskild agreed, modifying their memories clear of the encounter.   A week after the encounter, Krinskild opened Kroll Station to much fanfare and pomp. The event attracted many wealthy patrons to the station, and the Skimmer set off to much fanfare towards Tattingburn right at the beginning of Last Light. At some point during the first day of their journey, Krinskild found and assassinated Rawlings and identified that Danuk and Quoice had arrived on the train. The following day he attempted to capture them, but was inadvertently stopped by Reaver and Martin Holmes, who were investigating the two on suspicion of drug smuggling.   Krinskild used this to his advantage, eventually offering Kroll's VIP room as a makeshift cell for Danuk, once he was captured for questioning. Krinskild revealed himself to Danuk, who was inadvertently saved by the curiosity of Szwin Corva, and escaped to rally the passengers of the skimmer against Krinskild. In response, Krinskild turned his clockwork guard against the passengers, to kill indiscriminately. Taking their combined efforts the rallied group of heroes were finally able to corner and kill the rakshasa once and for all.

Physical Description

Body Features

As shape-changers, Rakshasa's assume different physical forms. Krinskilds often assumed a humanoid form with crocodilian features whenever in his "natural" form, but would change as opportunities presented themselves.

Mental characteristics


Krinskild spent centuries studying various cultures and magics, becoming a master arcane spellcaster and diplomat. He used these skills to great effect when infiltrating governments and nobility.

Intellectual Characteristics

Krinskild was a master tactician, infiltrator, assassin, and spy and would always prefer subtle approaches to to his problems before rash action. His favored tactics were killing and assuming the roles of target's allies, manipulating memories, and powerful illusions.
Lawful Evil
1037 1432 395 years old
Circumstances of Death
Electrocuted by Quoice Helltalon
Red/Various (shapeshifter)
Various (shapeshifter)
Various (shapeshifter)
Owned Vehicles


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