Dwarven Seers

Dwarven Seers are part of the religious culture of the Eldtruth-Kept.

After the Prophet-King Hyamir Skysmith unified the Dwarven species and lead them on their Skyward Crusade nearly all Dwarves joined him and abandoned their shamanistic old ways and so after the on-set of the Bright those that fell from their belief in the Prophet-King and his Quest had to reconstruct their old faith including the mystical tradition of the Seers.

Dwarven Seers are, put broadly, mystics that are capable of perceiving things that others cannot, either by hearing the imprints that past events (and some dare say the future) leave on stone, crystal, metal and minerals or by linking their sensory perceptions to moving natural forces like the wind and waves.

Although the cult and craft of the Dwarven Seers is considered adjacent to Witchcraft and Forest Magick by the Temple Parliament and the Inquisitioral Force of the Church of Serkatha it is tolerated as long as it aids the wellbeing of the Church, the city and her people.
The most common practitioners of Seercraft are Windseers, Waveseers and Stoneseers though others are rumored to exist.


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