the Bright Physical / Metaphysical Law in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil

the Bright

The Bright, also known commonly as the great cataclysm is an apocalypse caused by the aftereffects of the War of the Ancients.

At the height of the conflict the Ultimate Spell was cast leading to the Realm of Shadow being ravaged and the Umbral Cloak being diminished.

The Umbral Cloak would have been entirely destroyed by the effects of the Ultimate Spell but through Shaelyon the Shade-Sun protecting it with their shield a faded Penumbral Cloak was left intact.
With the Umbral Cloak severely reduced the surface of the Prime World Disk were assaulted by the rays of the Seven Suns near permanently becoming the Scorched Lands, a ravaged barren wasteland.

Most advanced civilizations fell to ruin unable to adapt fast enough to the suddenly changed climate conditions and many went underground seeking refuge in the Deeplands in a migration wave called the Great Exodus.

Since then the Penumbral Cloak grants a passing dusk each night and some cultures like the Sivara-Akai have adapted to this brave new world sufficiently once again building grand empires but the world will never be the same.


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