Saga of Eindride Flame-Kissed
The Saga of Eindride Flame-Kissed is an ancient skaldic poem documented by the Dwarves of the Dwergynlaw.
It was supposedly written by the legendary and name giving Eindride Flame-Kissed and tells the tale of the destruction of the ancient dwarf fortress of Svareiðheim by the terror-inspiring Great Dragon Yfirnasælwyr Dwarvenbane.
Svareiðheim was the capital of the Old Durevafold Jarlhold and located on what is now known as the Durevafold Islands.
The entrance passage of the Saga reads as follows:
The saga describes in great detail the city and its architecture as well as inhabitants. Eindride, a skald and inhabitant of the ruling court of Svareiðheim spends page upon page describing each building and the way the people of the city lived until the day of their doom.
The second to last passage is known as the Doom Passage and it reads as follows:
Eindride Flame-Kissed is dated to have lived in the early Middle Ages and no death date is known to historians.
Researchers of the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana’s Ethnohistorical Department have inquired in records of the towns of the Dwarven Forelands as well as the Dwergynlaw and found that the existence of the city of Svareiðheim is substantiated and well documented in tax and census records as well as that its destruction must have happened at the time that the Saga of Eindride was composed however no conclusive proof of the existence of the Great Dragon Yfirnasælwyr has been found.
Critical voices point to the much higher likelihood of a city-wide and ordinarily caused fire that led to the abandonment of the Durevafold Islands but opposing academics refute by citing the all-too-commonly told tall tales of dragon sightings on the Obsidian Shore.
Critics refer to these as mere fiction, old wives tales and speculation and rest assured that no dragon has been sighted in the Great Cavern of Aman-ya in the entirety of its over 13.000 years of recorded history.
It was supposedly written by the legendary and name giving Eindride Flame-Kissed and tells the tale of the destruction of the ancient dwarf fortress of Svareiðheim by the terror-inspiring Great Dragon Yfirnasælwyr Dwarvenbane.
Svareiðheim was the capital of the Old Durevafold Jarlhold and located on what is now known as the Durevafold Islands.
The entrance passage of the Saga reads as follows:
“Not many years ago there stood a city proud and ancient on the islands of Durevafold. A city of wood and stone with inhabitants whose honor was [ unclear translation ].”
The saga describes in great detail the city and its architecture as well as inhabitants. Eindride, a skald and inhabitant of the ruling court of Svareiðheim spends page upon page describing each building and the way the people of the city lived until the day of their doom.
The second to last passage is known as the Doom Passage and it reads as follows:
“A day of doom came to Svareiðheim after the winter had passed and its people so peaceful were given death and suffering in [ unclear translation but likely meaning “large amounts” ]. From clear skies swung the Great Dragon, Yfirnasælwyr who shall be known as Dwarvenbane from now and his breath rained fire and death upon the city until it was nothing but rubble and burned corpses, the only thing on the wind was the beating of its wind and the crackling of flames that consumed all, the screaming once died down as all that lived passed and those few who were spared left with nothing on their backs, departing for the lands you know as the Dwarven Forelands. The Great Dragon still lives, to this day its wings and tail are spotted as fast-moving shapes upon the foreground of the greenbright above and inspire terror in all.”
Eindride Flame-Kissed is dated to have lived in the early Middle Ages and no death date is known to historians.
Researchers of the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana’s Ethnohistorical Department have inquired in records of the towns of the Dwarven Forelands as well as the Dwergynlaw and found that the existence of the city of Svareiðheim is substantiated and well documented in tax and census records as well as that its destruction must have happened at the time that the Saga of Eindride was composed however no conclusive proof of the existence of the Great Dragon Yfirnasælwyr has been found.
Critical voices point to the much higher likelihood of a city-wide and ordinarily caused fire that led to the abandonment of the Durevafold Islands but opposing academics refute by citing the all-too-commonly told tall tales of dragon sightings on the Obsidian Shore.
Critics refer to these as mere fiction, old wives tales and speculation and rest assured that no dragon has been sighted in the Great Cavern of Aman-ya in the entirety of its over 13.000 years of recorded history.