Shaelyon Character in Subsolem Septem | World Anvil

Shaelyon (Shay-Lee-On)

Shaelyon, also known as the Shade-Sun was once a servant of Bright One and constituted the eighth of the Suns.
Shaelyon is considered both the Anti-Sun and the Moon of the Cosmos of Subsolem Septem. As recorded in the Song of Shaelyon they rebelled against their host during the War of the Ancients and prevented the complete destruction of the Umbral Cloak.
Now they are said to uphold the Penumbral Cloak and are worshiped by small cults across the Scorched Lands and there are even rumors of a secret society dedicated to them in Styx.
Apart from Shade-Sun other by-names of Shaelyon are the Everchanging and the Renegade Protector.

Shaelyon is most often depicted as a six armed, winged humanoid whose feathers refract light brilliantly.
Their bodily features are constantly morphing as the moon goes through its phases but their face is covered with a veil.
In one of their six hands they wield a weapon which changes shape depending on the moon phase while holding their shield in another.
During the new moon Shaelyon wields a simple walking stick, during the waxing crescent moon a bow, during the full moon a trident and during the gibbuous moon a glaive.
The rest of their arms uphold the Penumbral Cloak.
Bronze and amber are materials chiefly associated with Shaelyon.


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