Umbral Cloak

The Umbral Cloak was a metaphysical layer of elemental shadow that blanketed the heavens above the Scorched Lands before the onset of the Bright.

It was connected by tethers to the Realm of Shadow and animated by the energies streaming from the realm.

As the Seven Suns never truly leave the skies of Subsolem Septem nor sink below the World Disks the Umbral Cloak was the only way that the people of the disks experienced a cooling nighttime.

With the casting of the Ultimate Spell at the height of the War of the Ancients the Umbral Cloak was decimated, likely through the near-destruction of the Realm of Shadow; its reduced form that persists through the act of Shaelyon raising their shield over it is called the Penumbral Cloak and now merely grants the worlds temporary twilight by night.

Some mystics speculate that the Umbral Cloak was part of the divine corpus of the Dark One.


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