Communion of the Crowned Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
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Communion of the Crowned

A Sect of Otonian, divided on the Communions belief in another Divine being, Ingar, The Crowned.     The communion differs from other nearby religions in that it lacks a head of the religion, finding the ranking places power away from the many into the hands of the few, and so the religion is lead in smaller communities.   Example:   Different villages will have their own communions with no leader, the communines will instead volunteer to lead each service, and upkeep is managed by the whole communion.     This method is more decentralised and can be less organised than its Otonian roots, but the equality across all members is often appreciated.

Mythology & Lore

This sect follows much of the same mythology as Otonian, except for their acceptance of the additional divine, Ingar, The Crowned

Divine Origins

The Mythlulian Empire are the headquarters of the Otonian Religion, and act as a holy city for it. Across the existance of it as an organised religion, they have attempted to enforce their religious practices across Ebica, which included removal of mention of the "false god", Ingar.   However, due to the skirmishes with the Crasian Kingdom in 1458, their influence across the rest of Ebica had dwindled enough for the Slelan Republic to push for their own religion indepence in 1460. This declaration was met with resistance by the Mythlulian Empire who attempted to reinstate their beliefs but their lack of manpower was unable to do so.

To the Ascended we make our vows

Founding Date
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
The Communion, The Crowned
Parent Organization


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