Lecrander Trail Building / Landmark in Sufera | World Anvil
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Lecrander Trail

A trail forged by Dwarves of United Provinces of Rigin, officially given as a gift to Crasia IX in 1920, (though started 250 years prior), for their continued good relations in trading. It is also rumoured that the Rigin Government also wanted to task as they felt it would be a great demonstration of their crafting capabilties, being the first and only state to dare to, and be successful in mining through the Chrysalis     The trail enters one of the northern mountains at Heartgrave's outskirts, and travels 75 miles in a totally enclosed path through the mountains, to reach Gahlaku City.   Its long length has meant that it is common to find small encampments within the tunnel, as it often takes travellers a couple days to complete their journey.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Mountain Pass, Dark Path
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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