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The Wizard of Wines


  The Wizard of Wines winery previously belonged to the Krezkov family. However, according to Davian Martikov, it passed into the Martikov family through marriage some generations ago.   The Wizard of Wines appears to be the only source of wine in Barovia — at the very least, all the wine our heroes have encountered in Barovia seems to come from here. Furthermore, given the apparent lack of other types of alcoholic beverage in Barovia — Rudolph's experiments notwithstanding — it may well be the only source of alcohol in all the land.   The winery displays an unusually lush growth of its plants by Barovian standards — something Bodaway was quick to pick up on and question. With some reluctance and prodding by his youngest son Elvir, Davian Martikov eventually disclosed their secret: when the winery was founded by the wizard for whom it was named, said wizard created and planted three magical gems on the property, allowing the three varieties of grapes the winery became known for to grow: those used for the Champagne du le Stomp, Red Dragon Crush, and Purple Grapemash No. 3 wines.   The first gem, for the winery's famous Champagne du le Stomp grapes, was stolen about 10 years ago, in an incident Davian blamed his son Urwin Martikov for. The second, stolen recently and responsible for the Red Dragon Crush grapes, was in the custody of the dread witch Baba Lysaga in Berez, until our heroes slayed her and returned it to the wereravens. The third, which produces the Purple Grapemash No. 3 grapes, was at Yester Hill, in the custody of those cailleacha loyal to Strahd, until our heroes retrieved and returned it.  


The winery is one of the most picturesque spots in Barovia. An old, whitewashed, two-storey building with thick ivy covering each of its walls, it's the closest thing to cheery you can find in this land.  

Key Locations


Though our heroes didn't spend long looking through these once it was clear no more enemies were hidden within, there are three bedrooms — one, the master bedroom (W17) has a secret door to the Loading Winch, as well as a four-poster bed, its headboard carved into the likeness of a giant raven. There is a handsomely carved wooden rocking cradle, suggesting that this is where Stefania, Yolanda, and Dag had recently been sleeping. The other two are more modest (W19), with two pairs of bunk beds each.  


In discussing the layout of the building, the Martikovs told our heroes of five potential entrances to the winery building: three at the front, one on the west side of the building, and one at the back. The side entrance leads into a storage room and then into the fermentation room; the back entrance leads into the glassblower's workshop and then into the fermentation room; the front door leads into the barrel maker's workshop, then the barrel storage room, then the fermentation room or upstairs; the veranda entrance leads directly into the fermentation room; the door at the back of the loading dock leads directly into the fermentation room or into a corridor through which one can access the fermentation room or a spiral ramp going both up and down.  

Fermentation Vats (W9)

This room dominates the main floor, with a second-floor balcony overlooking it and providing access to the tops of the vats. Several ravens seem to have taken up permanent residence in the rafters of this room.  

Kitchen (W18)

This kitchen is large, though small enough to suggest the entirety of the winery's residents don't generally dine together.  

Loading Dock (W2)

The loading dock has a wagon parked in it and, like the veranda, is visible from the outside. A raised wooden walkway runs along its sides and back.  

Loading Winch (W12)

Our heroes discovered and disabled a trap here, set by one of the cailleacha to poison the next person who used the winch's handle, presumably resulting in a nasty fall to the loading dock below.  

Outhouse (W7)

Everyone except Ri-An has probably used this by now. It's nice, as outhouses go, with sweet-smelling herbs hanging from the eaves. There are a few more of these scattered around the property for the winery residents who don't live in the main building.  

Ramp (W12)

There is a ramp in the southeast corner of the building connecting all three levels of the house. Normally used to transport barrels for loading, it's been a boon for Ri-An.  

Stables (W1)

Contained the Martikovs' two draft horses, who were unharmed by the cailleacha.  


There are six staircases within the winery building: one in the southwest corner spanning all three floors (W11 one between the glassblower's workshop and the cellar (W10/W13 one between the main floor and balcony of the fermentation room (W9 two leading from that balcony up to the rest of the upper level; and one between barrel storage and the second floor (W4).  


There are two main storage areas in the winery — a general storage room (W8), and barrel storage (W4).  

Veranda (W5)

One of a limited number of spaces our heroes could see from the outside, the veranda has three five-foot-wide wooden tubs on it.  

Well (W6)

The winery residents get their water from this well, which appeared not to have been tampered with by the cailleacha.  

Wine Cellar (W14)

Full of barrels and wine bottles, our heroes have been warned against using the secret door in this room, as brown mold is cultivated down a secret passageway to help keep the wine cool. They have also been asked not to use fire in the cellar, as it attracts the mold.  


The barrel maker's workshop (W3), glassblower's workshop (W10), and printing press (W20) are all dominated by tools of their respective trades. In the glassblower's workshop are also various small ceramics made by Mar, the glassblower Kesha's partner. Most of the winery residents have at least some training in all aspects of the trade, but Mar and Kesha generally handle glassmaking and ceramics; Adrian and Carac make most of the barrels; and Elvir is allegedly the best at making the ancient printing press behave.  

Notable Residents

The winery, though owned by the Martikov family, features several other employees who live on the property in small cabins who are not members of the family.  

Klavdiya Abramovich

A woman in her mid-50s; one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Carac Cherenchikov

A man in his late 40s, cursed with relevance due to the choice of his Roll20 token. Seemed to be the leader of those armed winery residents keeping an eye on the situation; reluctantly joined the blight fight when it seemed like the party was struggling. Aided in the initial fight on Tuama Beannaithe. Saved by the cailleacha, currently residing in Azuth's mansion.  

Rahela Cherenchikov

Carac's mother, a friendly woman in her mid-80s. Happily chatted with Ismark while everyone was getting their drama on. Saved by the cailleacha, currently residing in Azuth's mansion.  

Ophin Kopeykin

A woman in her late 30s; one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. Saved by the cailleacha, currently residing in Azuth's mansion.  

Adrian Martikov

Urwin's older brother, in his early 50s. Does not appear to have any partners or children. Was friendly, but distracted, visibly worried about his family and the situation. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Claudiu Martikov

Stefania and Dag's oldest child, a boy of about 14. Was quiet and withdrawn around the party but seemed very interested from a distance in Grghshnq. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Davian Martikov

Urwin's estranged father, a hunched-over taciturn man in his 80s. Davian seemed to be the leader of all the winery residents, and was indeed the leader of the Keepers of the Feather, and thus most of Barovia's wereravens. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Elvir Martikov

Urwin's younger brother, in his early 30s. Does not appear to have any partners or children. Did the lion's share of the talking on his family's part once the serious business was sorted out. Saved by the cailleacha, currently residing in Azuth's mansion.  

Martin Martikov

Stefania and Dag's second-oldest child, a boy of about 9. Seemed subdued and nervous. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Stefania Martikov

Urwin's older sister, in her late 30s. Married to Dag Tomescu. Was polite but quiet, focused on her children. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Viggo Martikov

Stefania and Dag's third child, a boy of about 6. Was very quiet and looked tired. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Yolanda Martikov

Stefania and Dag's youngest child, an infant. ... was an infant. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Lazar Mescheryakov

A man in his early 20s; one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. Saved by the cailleacha, but killed in the attack on the mansion atop Tuama Beannaithe.  

Kesha Singh

A man in his early 30s; one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. While explaining the winery layout, Davian mentioned that there are pottery materials in the glassblowers' workshop, as Kesha makes simple cups and other pottery there with Mar. Bitten by a vampire sometime after the winery was won back. Saved by the cailleacha, currently residing in Azuth's mansion.  

Kworic Singh

Kesha's father, a man in his mid-70s with a bum leg. Friendly, but quiet. Bitten by a vampire sometime after the winery was won back. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Vesna Singh

Kworic's younger sister and Timofei's mother, a woman in her early 60s. Seemed withdrawn and nervous while the party was in the woods with them, having taken the abrupt switch to outdoor living harder than some of the others. Bitten by a vampire sometime after the winery was won back. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Mar Spencer

A person, mid-30s; one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. Mar is only ever identified as Mar by the other winery residents; no gendered pronouns have been used for Mar in our heroes' presence, though whether or not they've picked up on that is up to the players to decide. Mar is 6' and slender, with medium-length brown hair pulled back in a tight bun. While explaining the winery layout, Davian mentioned that Mar is the winery's glassblower, responsible for the creation of all their bottles. Bitten by a vampire sometime after the winery was won back. Saved by the cailleacha, currently residing in Azuth's mansion.  

Alya Stepashin

A very young woman (late teens or early twenties one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. Bitten by a vampire sometime after the winery was won back. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Timofei Talanov

A man in his early 40s; one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. Saved by the cailleacha, currently residing in Azuth's mansion.  

Dag Tomescu

Stefania Martikov's husband, a man in his early 40s. Seemed more concerned with checking in on his family than getting to know the party. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.  

Slavomir Yankov

A man in his early 30s; one of the residents who had been watching from the treeline with Carac. Presumed dead in the attack on the winery while the party was sheltering in Azuth's mansion.


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