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Doru is a vampire spawn who's approximately 20 years old. When he was 16, he joined several of his fellow Barovians in a march on Castle Ravenloft Ravenloft, led by a mysterious wizard from another realm. The only survivor of this attack (to the best of his knowledge), Doru was startled to discover himself still alive and being nursed back to health within Castle Ravenloft itself, and he quickly formed a relationship with Strahd von Zarovich. While Doru did not explicitly disclose the nature of this relationship, it was implied that it was probably not the sort of relationship a centuries-old vampire ought to be having with a teenager. Strahd offered Doru immortality at his side, and Doru happily accepted — allegedly with the goal of using this power to influence Strahd to be a better ruler, but it's entirely possible other motives were at play.   Unfortunately for Doru, it wasn't long before Strahd caught sight of Ireena Kolyana for the first time, and promptly became infatuated. He ordered Doru to leave and go back to his priest father, which Doru did, thinking at the time that he did so of his own free will. His father, Donavich, locked Doru in the undercroft of Barovia's church and began imploring the Morninglord to purify Doru of the corruption he bore — both his undead nature and other sins.   Doru seemed eager to obey our heroes after they brought up the possibility of taking him out of the undercroft alive, though he did not deal well with attempts to feed him with old blood. Like many teenagers, he is prone to sarcasm and the occasional sulk, and delights in the opportunity to misbehave, as evidenced by his devotion to trying to teach our heroes how to swear in Barovian.   Less than 48 hours after being taken in by the party, Doru was made aware of Strahd's power over him when Strahd appeared as part of an assault on the group and ordered Doru to attack Bodaway. Before leaving our heroes to lick their wounds following an intervention by Ireena Kolyana, Strahd ordered Doru to finish off Bodaway then return to Castle Ravenloft. Doru drained Bodaway until he lost consciousness, then fled.   The party saw Doru again — looking considerably less dirty and starved than before — at the castle when they accepted Strahd's invitation to dinner. He seemed subdued, but Ireena seemed to still have some fondness for him.

Character Portrait image: by sarahlis


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