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Ireena Kolyana

Ireena Kolyana is a citizen of the village of Barovia. She is 26 years old, and her whereabouts and status are currently unknown (presumed to be at Castle Ravenloft, with Strahd von Zarovich). The whereabouts and status of her mother are unknown. Her father was Kolyan Indirovich, former burgomaster of the village of Barovia, now deceased. She has one older brother, Ismark Kolyanovich, who is now the burgomaster of the village of Barovia, and who offered our heroes 50 gp to deliver Ireena safely to Vallaki.   Little is known about Ireena's childhood, youth, or adult life prior to the party's arrival. However, it is known that as the daughter of the burgomaster she was considered nobility, and that sometime in the last year, Strahd von Zarovich took an interest in her. Early on both the party and Ireena herself were perplexed by this interest, as well as his insistence on calling her Tatyana; in the intervening weeks it has become clear that he has pursued Ireena out of the belief that she is the reincarnation of his long-dead lost love. Based off the information the party has found, it seems he may well be correct in this belief. However, as of the Feast of St. Andral's, he had begun to call her by her own name.   Despite his obsession with her, Strahd has displayed a willingness to disregard her will as well as the safety and well-being of others while pursuing her. He sent Doru away once his obsession with Ireena began, and has used his innate charm effects to bite her in the past. His campaign of harassment against her led directly to the death of her father, whose heart couldn't take the prolonged stress, and to the death of her brother after her resurrection following her initial few days in Castle Ravenloft (it's fine; they both got better).   Ireena has a restrained personality, though she frequently got frustrated and/or exasperated with the party, particularly when someone was displaying an excess of crude behaviour or a general disregard for their own well-being. It seems likely, based off this and how vocal she got with the Lady Wachter once she was a little tipsy, that Ireena represses a lot.   Despite the initial terms of their acquaintance, in which the party agreed to escort Ireena until she was safely in Vallaki in exchange for money, the party seemed reluctant to part ways with her once they'd arrived, and Ireena seemed grateful for their continued companionship. She seemed determined to help out the party in what ways she could, paying for goods they couldn't afford and picking up healer's kits to help them avoid any more near-death experiences.   During the party's second encounter with Strahd, Ireena offered to go with him in exchange for him promising to leave our heroes alone. Since then, it seems she has been living at Castle Ravenloft with him. They know at one point she was killed by one of the castle's many perils, and had to be resurrected. They also know she's been relying on Strahd's considerable personal library to do some research. And they know she's got enough fight in her that she still tried sneaking them maps. Beyond that... who knows?


Strahd von Zarovich

Master (Vital)

Towards Ireena Kolyana



Ireena Kolyana

Spawn (Vital)

Towards Strahd von Zarovich



"Sylvain is sorry, Ireena for embarrassing you at dinner, and failing to keep you safe and all the dick jokes and getting hurt so much and dying and..."


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