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Day 30: The Curse Broken — No, Not That Curse

General Summary

Day 30 (Xololuna 6, 735/?)

After explaining themselves to Marilena Fidatov — an easier task than before, what with Osrin's corpse and Chuckles's scattered remains having abruptly appeared in her home, their having emerged from the maze unescorted guests don't typically emerge from, and their being in possession of several items that went mysteriously missing from a locked chest 17 years before — the party secures food, supplies, a diamond, 500 gp, and the Lady Fidatov's indefinite loyalty. Sylvain steals a diamond from her anyway, at the party's urging. They return to Krezk, where they learn werewolves attacked again last night, and Strahd dropped by to generously save their favourite commoners, providing them a guarantee of safety, a new home, and ample new supplies in the village of Barovia. For some reason this upsets them. (Ingrates.) Some vampire spawn and a nightmare on the Ethereal Plane try to murder Osrin's soul a couple times, but thanks to some quick possessions and the aid of an old friend, she is successfully resurrected. That night, Ayduin is given a quest, Bodaway turns down a deal, and Osrin speaks with her pet deva for the first time in a long time.
Report Date
25 Mar 2022
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