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Storm Neutralizer

"Why suffer through weather when you can just turn it off?" "Because it can effect the ecology of the planet negatively by counteracting a natural process like that?" "What about if the weather wasn't natural in the first place?" "Then there are probably easier ways to do it."
  The Eternal Swish is a thing that exists now and should largely be considered a normal part of life, particularly if you live in central south Canada or central north USA. Mostly, it hasn't hurt things outside of Villain Central , and for those who still live there they would probably argue that it's actually improved their quality of life.   However, even if you like a storm, you probably want to have a space where it doesn't constantly try to zap you with lightning.   The storm neutralizer tech was developed specifically to counteract Swish Lightning Zaps by stopping it at the source: the lightning of the storm. Hard to get zapped if the lightning is shunted away. And since normal lightning rods weren't doing it, we had to turn to the storm itself.   The neutralizer can, in fact, be used for normal storms as well, and the occasional Enhanced with related powers. It's slightly stronger, in those cases. The powered people it's used on report feeling drugged and tired after exposure, while a regular hurricane was almost entirely unspooled and turned into a dangerous lull in weather. It's most effective and precise when used against the unique forces that compose the Eternal Swish.   The primary place this tech is used is at the entrance to Karowan , where it shields people from the incessant weather.


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