Cursed Shipwreck Plot in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Cursed Shipwreck

Ever since the violent death of a gold dragon on the rocky shoal on the north side of Stormwreck isle, the bone shrewn rocks have been the site of many shipwreck through the centuries. One such ship left a lasting mark on the island; Fourty years ago, the ship named Compass rose carrying passengers bound for the cloister wrecked on the shoal, killing all aboard. Since this shipwreck, each new shipwreck has brought a fresh wave of zombies sailors due to a cursed talisman in the ship's hold imbued with Aleitha's desperate prayers to Orcus . Fortunately, shipwrecks used to be rare, but recently a harpy settled into the Wreck of Compass Rose and with its magically entrancing voice has been luring ships to crash into the shoal to feast on its unlucky sailors. The sailors that escape the harpy end up at Dragon's Rest, menacing the residents there.
Arriving at the wreck
The PCs can take the rowboat from Dragon's Rest to the Wreck of Compass Rose . The trip of 2.5 miles takes about 1 hr and 40 min to row. Upon arrival, read the following
Waves lap against a derelict ship loged against a ridge of rocks and enormous dragon bones. A faint odor of rot wafts on the sea air, along with the sound of screeching seagulls and the roar of the surf. A tangled mess of tattered sails and rigging hangs off the starboard side of the main deck, offering one possible way to climb aboard. At the stern, you can make out a gaping hole in the hull beneath the waterline
  If the PCs pull the rowboat up to the south (starboard) side of the ship, they can easily tie up the little boat to the derelicts rigging and climb onto the main deck (C1). However they are free to find other possibilities to getting aboard, such as swimming through the hole in the hold (C9).  
Harpy's Return
The Harpies that makes their lair in the crow's nest (C1) returns to the ship when one of the following conditions is met:
  • The PCs find the captain's chest in the hold (C9) and return to the lower deck (C8)
  • The PCs finish a short or long rest on the ship
The next time the PCs show themselves on the main deck, the harpy confronts them.
Two terrifying monsters are perched, one on the top of the crow's nest the other on the broken foremast, spreading their scraggly wings and screeching harshly. Their wings and legs resemble those of a mangy vulture, while their heads, torsos, and arms look almost human. Both clutch a large bone like club and flex their talons
On their first turns, the harpies uses its Luring Song in an attempt to charm the PCs and draw them to the crow's nest. A charmed person thinks it's the most beautiful sound they have ever heard. It's easy to imagine how a ship might have been lured off course to get closer to the source of this music   Talking to the harpy The harpy is cruel and hungry for flesh, but it speaks common and can be reasoned with. It's not easy to convince the bloodthirsty monster to change its ways and leave the shipwreck, but if the players come up with a strong argument (possibly supported with high rolls on charisma checks) the harpy cooperates. These tactics are the most likely to get it to leave
  • If the PCs have already reduced the harpy to fewer than half its HP, it might flee
  • If the PCs have claimed the treasure from the crow's nest, it might agree to leave in exchange for the return of its treasure
  • If the PCs are 2nd lvel and two harpies are present, the PCs can play on the distrust between the two harpies and might convince them to part ways and leave the area
Ending this chapter
If the PCs defeat the harpy, one problem is solved; no more ships will be lured to the rocks and shipwrecks will once again be a rarity.   If the PCs find Aleitha's talisman, they can solve the problem entirely. If they show the talisman to Runara and explain what they found in the captain's log, Runara nods sadly. She remembers Brastos, but he died many years ago. He was laid to rest in the graveyard atop the cliffs at the northern point of the island, northwest of Dragon's Rest. The graves in the little clifftop cemetery are covered in white wildflowers and marked with simple wooden slabs. If the PCs lay the talisman on Brastos's grave, bury it in the soil over the grave or burn it atop the grave, the wind seems to sigh in relief. The fog lingers overnight, and when it disperses no trace of Compass Rose remains. Aleitha 's soul is finally reunited with her love.   The PCs might disregard the journal entry and destroy the talisman while on the ship. This also breaks the curse- the characters still feels something like a sigh in the air, fog rises up to engulf the wreck while the PCs are rowing away, and the ship is gone when the fog lifts the next day. However, Aleitha soul now is with Zariel in avernus.   If the PCs undo the curse, Lily Rosene has the following dream the following time they sleep
In your dream, you are once again on the deck of the ship that your dream lead you to, and you see the island shrouded in darkness, just as in the dream. As you sail closer, the darkness intensifies and in it you see a halo of fire burning above two glowing, raging eyes.
In case of reunited aleitha and brastos :
The white hot glare focusses upon you, and you feel a deep distaste, sour and painful in your throat. A voice calls out from the darkness all around "Disobient daughter, just like you grandmother... Your souls, your blood is mine. You will join my war one day" The darkness presses down upon you. Just as it swallows you, a dazzling ray of sunlight shines on your eyelids, and you awake
  In case of not reuniting them:
The white hot focusses upon you, and you see a grin form. Suddenly a storm of fireballs race across a dark sky and you see a blackhair, pink familiar looking woman in the middle of an endless bloody war. As she moves to strike you, you stir violently awake
  When lily awakens, Gabriel is waking her up. He woke her from her nightmare, and can explain who Zariel is and guarantees that both his blessing and Bahamut's will protect her soul from Zariel's claim. He didnt know about the original dream, and certainly didn't send it.

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