Annonce : Under relooking process

Joyau de Foi Divine | Divine Faith Jewel

La Foi. Une chose si commune et populaire. Quel peuple en effet ne se tourne-t-il pas vers elle pour diriger son avenir? Que ce soit envers des divinités, des esprits, ou même des idéaux, la Foi est partout. Mais t'es-tu déjà demandé vers quoi se tourne la Foi des divinités elles-mêmes ?

En ce joyau, Yza l'Omniprésent place Foi et Puissance au service de son digne porteur, unissant les fidèles sous sa bannière dévouée

— Prèches de l'Envoyée

Formé d'une sphère d'améthyste polie veinée de Kryzoteor sertie dans un bracelet taillé dans du Bois des Fées le joyau de Foi Divine est l'insigne suprême du Haut-Prêtre d'Yza.

Cet artefact à la magie complexe et mal connue a notamment pour particularité de disparaitre à la mort de son porteur pour être remis à son successeur lors de la Cérémonie de Dévotion qui le désigne comme tel. Ceci est réalisé selon la volonté d'Yza qui désigne ainsi lui-même la plus haute autorité parmi ses fidèles.

Parmi de nombreuses propriétés, les légendes prétendent notamment que le joyau permet de comprendre toutes les langues parlées, d'apaiser les esprits dans une atmosphère survoltée, ou encore qu'il rendrait son porteur invulnérable à toute agression portée contre lui.

Certains prétendent même que l'artefact serait doté d'une véritable personnalité consciente


Faith. Such a common and popular thing. Indeed, which people don't turn to it to direct their future? Whether it's to deities, spirits, or even ideals, Faith is everywhere. But have you ever wondered to what the Faith of the deities themselves turns?

In this jewel, Yza the Omnipresent places Faith and Power at the service of its worthy bearer, uniting the faithful under his devoted banner

— Prèches de l'Envoyée

Formed of a polished amethyst sphere veined with Kryzoteor set into a bracelet carved from Faeries' Wood the jewel of Divine Faith is the supreme badge of the High Priest of Yza.

One of the particularities of this artifact, with its complex and little-known magic, is that it disappears on the death of its bearer, to be handed over to his successor during the Devotion Ceremony which designates it as such. This is done according to the will of Yza, who himself appoints the highest authority among his followers.


Among its many properties, legends claim that the jewel can understand all spoken languages, soothe spirits in an overexcited atmosphere, or render its wearer invulnerable to any aggression brought against him

Some even claim that the artifact is endowed with a true conscious personality.

Type d'objet
Jewelry / Valuable
Current Location
Ethnies apparentées
Organisation Propriétaire
500g | 1lbs
15cm ⌀
Prix de Base
Inestimable | Invaluable

Cover image: The Lost Wall of Edulin by Zannazook


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Aug 8, 2024 19:55 by George Sanders

I am unable to select the English check box - it says there are no slots available. Then I don't see any content. Wanted to let you know so you get credit for the article!

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 9, 2024 05:48 by Zannazook læ Gnom

Thank you for pointing this out. I'm not sure why it's acting like that, maybe you could try again?

Aug 12, 2024 15:19 by George Sanders

Yeah, still says that message.   "There are no more slots! You have not been given the group. Message the owner of the world."

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 12, 2024 16:32 by Zannazook læ Gnom

Ok, I tried another way around. If this one doesn't work I'll just modify the article to show both languages to everyone until I find the source of the nuisance.

Aug 21, 2024 06:51 by George Sanders

Sorry, it is the same message and I don't see any text in the main content area.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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Aug 24, 2024 10:36 by Zannazook læ Gnom

that's really weird, apparently other people don't have the same problem

Aug 26, 2024 16:09 by George Sanders

That is odd. I still can't click on the language checkboxes but I can see the text now! Will get to reading.

Read about the great items submitted for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
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