Brizmvorn Settlement in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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"Even without the heat of Gundrakaz, our forges burn night and day. One blade, one helm, one nail at a time, our anvils beat with the heart of the The Great Hrúmaîan Realms."   -Sirion Morkuldir
  Brizmvorn is a prominent city of the Undermount Accord situated atop the inactive volcano Gundrakaz. It is known for its vast forges fueled by bound fire elementals.  


Brizmvorn is one of the few dwarven cities of the Zoroght Mountains that does not hide its size. The city is built atop and within an inactive volcano known as Gundrakaz, or “The Melting Mountain.” Colossal staircases are carved into the side of the mountain leading to the top. It is only in Gundrakaz’s caldera that visitors can enter Brizmvorn.  

Summit Ward

The natural crater of stone at the top of the volcano is home to The Summit Ward, the surface portion of the city. Most trade is done here, and numerous entrances lead deeper into the city proper. Here, visitors often get their first glimpse of dwarven craftsmanship.  

Hearth Ward

Situated directly beneath the Summit Ward, this area forms the heart of Brizmvorn's residential life and hosts various service-oriented businesses. Most of the population lives here, away from the industrial clamor.  

Mycelium Ward

This subterranean level supports the city’s food supply and agriculture, integrating mushroom farms and livestock pens into its damp caverns.  

Forge Ward

Positioned far deeper than the wards above, this cavernous expanse houses the city’s famed fire elemental-fueled forges. This ward never stops echoing with the constant clamor of metalwork and glowing with the heat of ceaseless industry.  

Binding Chamber

The deepest, most secure section of the city. This is where Forge Clans undertake the ritualistic binding of fire elementals. It's secrets are only known to a select few.  


The inner city wards are warmed by residual geothermal heat, but the upper levels are more susceptible to the changing of the seasons. Many mushrooms, some edible, some useful, grow in the city's Mycelium Ward, but most plant life is snuffed out by the industrial nature of Brizmvorn.  


Brizmvorn is is rooted in the productivity of its Forge Clans, with each clan contributing to the city's needs under the oversight of an elected Forgemaster. This Forgemaster serves a decade-long term. Their main responsibility is setting annual production quotas. When/if a clan meets this quote, they are granted the right to vote on city matters: "Only those who contribute to the collective good wield political influence."   However, the Forgemaster is not allowed to command military power, and is able to be removed by a majority vote if deemed necessary by the populace.  

The Undermount Accord

Brizmvorn is a part of a coalition of dwarven cities located within the Zoroght Mountains. Each city remains sovereign, with their own unique laws and governance.   In times of peace, they engage in trade and collaborative feats of dwarven engineering ranging from tunnel mining to the creation of Boulders . However, when threatened all member cities of the Undermount Accord are sworn to provide what warriors and resources they can spare.  


Each Forge Clan deals with its own, maintaining order through a strict code. Crimes committed by one clan member are considered a stain on the entire clan, leading to stringent self-policing. Inter-clan disputes that threaten to develop into detrimental conflict are often reported to the Forgemaster.  


Situated in the caldera of the dormant Gundrakaz volcano, Brizmvorn's natural fortifications are usually enough to deter any attacker. The city does not have a military. Instead, each Forge Clan is expected to provide soldiers during times of defense. In recent decades however, Forge Clan Brakgrund has taken up the responsibility of equiping a force of town guards for the Summit Ward.   Should all-out war threaten Brizmvorn, all Undermount Accord cities pledge mutual defense.  


Forge Clan Brakgrund

Serves as the martial backbone of Brizmvorn, specializing in the creation and maintenance of guard equipment and training. They ensure the Summit Ward remains a secure gateway between the dwarven city and the outside world.  

House Von Creig

An anomaly within Brizmvorn, this clan brings innovation from outside dwarvenkind. No one is quite sure why the half-elven noble house settled in Brizmvorn, but their expertise has been invaluable to the Forge Clans. They focus on enhancing other forges and methodologies rather than producing their own works.  

Forge Clan Khazmurn

  The pride of Brizmvorn, Forge Clan Khazmurn operates the city’s largest and most revered forge. Their weapons and armor are sought after for their unrivaled quality and enchantments. The clan is regularly commissioned by noble houses across Iave to make their Emblems of Authority.  

Forge Clan Morkuldir

Specializing in the crafting of exquisite armor, Morkuldir is Khazmurn's greatest rival. Their armor is highly coveted by warriors and nobles alike.  


Brizmvorn’s economy is driven almost entirely by its forges. Trade is usually relegated to the Summit Ward, but the Forgemaster is also responsible for alliances with nearby surface settlements for agricultural goods that can't be grown underground.  


How was it settled? Conflict? Modernity? Myths? Folklore?
Inhabitant Demonym
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