Stoneguard Mountain

Where is it located?

Stoneguard Mountain is located on the northern border of the Muaclun continent. It spreads from east to west, providing a protective barrier.

What does it look like?

Stoneguard Mountain is an old mountain, so it isn't as high as younger mountain ranges. The highest of its summits is around 3 kilometers. Its average height is taller on the eastern side of the mountain, making the snow-covered areas more expansive. It is almost unscaleable from the north. It doesn't have a vertical wall that can be somewhat easy to climb, but it has a lot of crevices and chasms because that was the part where Muaclun was torn from its original continent during the Rending.

Its flora and fauna

Stoneguard Mountain is a harsh environment with sparse flora and fauna. At its feet, there are smaller bushes but as you climb, the bushes disappear and they are replaced by with grass and later lichen. The most common animals are rabbits and goats and foxes, owls, and overcold coyotes that hunt them.

Point of interests

Its highest mountain is the Thundering Crown. Legends say that in the past, giants lived where now their smaller cousins, the ogres, settled down, and the mountaintop is the fossilized crown of their king. The truth is, if you examine the top, you have to have a very high imagination to see it as a crown. Although, strangely, there are many thunderstorms around the mountaintop.
The most revered place by the ogres is the Peak Haven. A handful of mountains surround a flat plain and create a microclimate. The climate is not pleasant but livable, and crops can be grown within its boundaries. Here, you can find Peak Haven, where ogres and, recently, other species, with the permission of the Stonesteppers, can raise their young. It is impossible to reach Peak Haven. It has myriads of physical and magical traps, surrounded by impassable mountains and protected by the Peak, who won't let in anybody.
The old mountain was impressive, but after the separation, the Stoneguard Mountain somehow became more magnificent
— Seleucus Martext


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Aug 6, 2024 05:16 by Aaron Burr

Hello! I really like how clear the article is and I definitely have a picture of Stoneguard Mountain in my head. The only thing I am unclear on is if Peak Haven is impossible to get to with the traps and everything, how do they get visitors? Do the other people leave to find new settlers or make friends with visitors, etc.? Nice job!!

“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.” — Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos   My current project: Elturia
Aug 11, 2024 14:02

Hi! Thank you for your kind words! Actually visiting Peak Haven is not impossible but highly improbable. Imagine the place as a safe house, but instead as a safe town for ogre females and their younglings. That's why the place has so many traps and I'm thinking of having some kind of spell that makes the place invisible or something. There is a group within the Peak, called the Stonesteppers. They are the ones who can travel through the crust of the planet - basically a flavored teleport - and can move people and items to and from Peak Haven. I can imagine that you can get entrance to Peak Haven but you have to do something extremely valuable for the ogres to let you in. The whole idea started with the younglings extremely fragile for a few years and they need protection, then came the idea of Peak Haven, etc, etc...

Aug 12, 2024 05:01 by Aaron Burr

That is super cool! Thanks for clarifying!

“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.” — Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos   My current project: Elturia