Peak Haven

Where is it located?

Peak Haven is located on a flat plain surrounded by mountains within the Stoneguard Mountain, creating a microclimate that is not pleasant but livable.

Who lives here?

Members of the Peak and their proteges live within Peak Haven. Their charges are mostly ogres, but recently, a few Cursed took up residence here, and a couple of families found their way here from Grimbor, too. In addition to Cursed wards, other Cursed live there, tending to the settlement and protecting it if the need arises.

How can you reach the settlement?

Either with the Stonesteppers taking you to Peak Haven or not at all. If you are one of those who used the totem of the Peak to request protection, the Stonesteppers will visit you and take you to the settlement. If you are one of the brave but foolish people who want to travel there, you are out of luck. Countless physical and magical traps protect Peak Haven, and the Peak won't let in anybody other than those who the Stonesteppers brought back.

The structure of the settlement

At first glance, it looks like a regular village. However, all the buildings are made of stone, formed by the Peak using their inner powers of stone shaping. Even the blinds and doors are made of stone, and to open or close them, you need a Peak reform that part of the house. Around the village, there are fields where cold-resistant crops are grown to supplement the food from hunting and gathering.

Emblematic buildings

The Crystal Chamber is where the Stonesteppers conduct their rituals. All of their rituals are based on the powers of various crystals. For example, the ritual of the hematite is one of the magical defenses of Peak Haven and conceals the settlement. Their most important ritual is the jade ritual. It is a detection spell that covers almost all parts of Muaclun and lasts for a year. Through this spell, the Stonesteppers can detect someone asking for their protection.
The Womb is the most venerated building for the ogre nation. Here, dug into the mountain in the middle of Peak Haven, those who need protection, mainly ogre mothers and their younglings, can be raised peacefully. The Womb is closed off by a thick stone slab. It can be opened from the inside anytime. From the outside, only members of Golems, using their stone-shaping powers, can release the hatches located on the inside. The Womb is also guarded all the time by the Golems.
From what I heard, it is a lovely place. It's a shame I can't visit it
— Seleucus Martext


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