Tai'Sans Hearth

09. Keorin 305978 ATO


The Laws of Tai'Sans Hearth

The world is a toroid (a "donut") and as a result is quite different. The outside is relatively similar to Earth in the natural laws, such as gravity and thermodynamics. However, the inside is much different. The day and night cycle results from the reflection of the inner moon, which moves up and down along the rotational axis of the toroid. Magic exists in both worlds but is more potent inside. In general magic either draws energy from a source to effect the world, following the laws of thermodynamics, or it doesnt, in which case the magic is a result of a negative change of entropy and comes from Tai'san himself.


Tai'San is the single god of the orcs. A chosen god. To save his people from the cycle of hate the orcs are stuck in he steals power from the other gods of his reality. Eventually, he has stolen enough power to achieve his goal: He tears apart the fabric of reality and escapes, taking the orcs with him. He forcibly takes space in between reality from nothing and creates a new place. There he makes the world and populates it with everything natural and needed. The orcs bodies are left behind and their souls are reborn to claim their promised land.

Principal Geography & Features

The world of Tai'san is a very diverse place. There are continents filled with mountain ranges and forests but also deserts and ever snowing cold wastes. There are archipelagos and remote islands of various sizes. The main difference however is the toroid shape. The inner world is separated mostly by distance but also by natural obstacles placed by Tai'San. The north is blocked by icy deserts in which monstrous bears the size of houses roam, the south is an endlessly stretching ocean with dangerous currents flowing outward.

Initial Active Setting

The active settings are the Kingdom of Aruël for the present time and the city of Dorralia for the past (books).