Captain Lardus Longsaddle

The Otari Guard keeps the peace in town, and their leader is the gruff and stout Captain Lardus Longsaddle. Anyone who gets in trouble with the Otari Guard should hope to deal with anyone other than the captain- his curse-laden tirades are legendary, and he’s inclined to issue short jail sentences for minor infractions. Conversely, heroes who catch criminals earn a rare (though often short-lived) position on Captain Longsaddle’s good side.   This elderly but hale man was a veteran of Absalom's city guard who “retired” to Otari a decade ago. He took up the mantle of leader after its previous captain, Trusk Hanely, drowned in an unfortunate misadventure involving a bit too much raspberry mead and an ill‑advised boast regarding how long he could hold his breath. Those among the guard who remember Trusk do so fondly, for Longsaddle is short-tempered, foul-mouthed, and much stricter than his dwarven predecessor. The town’s jail is in the basement of the building, but its cells are rarely used to hold any criminals other than petty crooks or drunkards.
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Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations