Greg Giles

Greg Giles is the quartermaster at the Otari Garrison with the Otari Guard. He served with Captain Lardus Longsaddle in the Absalom City Guard back in the old days. Giles is as well known as a bit of an amateur inventor with his pride and joy being that of a portable spittoon, a device he regularly uses due to his love of chewing tobacco. He has also long given into demon alcohol and can be easily and gladly be made to tell the story of his missing ear by just buying him a drink (it has to do with an exploding contraption). Giles's traditional Kelish accent is normally at times difficult to understand, and it devolves even further into some bastard mix of Taldan and Kelish affectionally called "Greg Gibberish" that no one understands the more he indulges. The soldier and his fiery devices are also given a wider berth with his waning sobriety. Still, the man is an excellent quartermaster who is amazingly good at basic numbers no matter what his state of inebreation. It is for this skill alone that Longsaddle tolerates the small pyrotechnic mishaps which seem to follow Giles around. That and no one has ever been able to actually find a flask on the quartermaster's person.
Current Location
Early 30's
Current Residence
Brown, messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruddy nose
6'4", tall, gangly
Aligned Organization

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