Session 13 - "Founder's Day - Part 3, Waking the Dead"

General Summary

Springtime, Moonday, 3rd of Desnus, 4721 AR
Day of Founder's Day Festival
  Otari Market
  James Morlibint quickly assigns roles for his play The Roseguard Chronicles: Otari played by Kaliff, Vol played by Ehrn, Zarmavdian - Carl (James' partner who really gets into the part), Aesphana played by Dorianna Menhemes, and Belcorra Haruvex played by Wrin Sivinxi.  


  Vandy gives Ehrn the Rosa Argentus, Vol's blade. Its sheath is decorated in flora pattern, but she can tell that it is warrior's blade neither-the-less.   Zor'ahn while hiding in the background, notices three people that have gathered away under an easement of a building, one of which is Carman Rajani. He finds the other two with him striking in apart from the regular villagers as one is an impeccably dressed tengu and the other a lawyerly looking dwarven woman. The tengu hands a slip of paper to Carmen, which he pockets. The ranger is able to overhear a brief conversation:  

Keppler Credence

Kairo Cryde
  The tengu, in a proper and upscale tone, "Yes, we will support you in this. You can expect the full weight of our support behind. And when the time comes, we shall ask a favor."
Carmen looks positive at first, but scrunches his face at the last bit, "A favor, like what?"
The woman: "We'll be in touch, good luck!"
  The two others leave while Carmen appears deep in thought before finally stalking away.   The play goes on without a hitch with Ehrn dominating the stage with her presence, Kaliff casting spells to enhance the effects, and Wrin capturing everyone's attention with her newly acquired Hat of Disguise. The only criticism comes from Franz Frangelico leans to Tristan and stage whispers, "Looks like it could have been a good play had your friends not been part of it. Maybe next year they'll get some real warriors to play the part." Overhearing this, Kalitos and Franz face off until the monsieur squeezes past him and leaves the tent.   Ehrn returns the sword after Vandy congratulates her. The cleric leaves alone, going towards the Dawnflower Library as Zor'ahn follows her. Once safely secured, the ranger emerges from the shadows and escorts her back.   5.14p
Mayor Oseph Menhemes gets on stage and draws the crowd to order and gives yearly announcements:
  • Brelda Venkervale is still looking for her son, Lasda.
  • Keeleno Lathenar Keeleno is upping the bounty on Jaul Mezmin to 300 gp, who was once a druid of the Stone Ring Pond.
  • Lady Alymora Inkleholtz plans to buy the ruins of the Thirsty Alpaca and renovate it into a school. She is planning a fundraising and will be accepting donations. At mention of the tavern's collapse, Zor'ahn looks around a bit shiftily.
  • Brings Captain Lardus Longsaddle to the stage who warns that there are outlaws waylaying travels and are carrying firearms of some sort.
  The mayor concludes by welcoming the Ricards and the Brothers Raiboren to the stage, real heroes of Otari, to great fanfare. Kalitos nervously addresses the crowd and Tristan announces that the fishing camp will be reopening next month. Zor'ahn also steps forward, takes a serious tone, announces his candidacy for mayor. Carman and the Greenspoon the Mighty also take to the stage. The mayor gives his speech, followed by Greenspoon. He has a deep baritone voice and gives a fascinating tale that has nothing to do with Otari or the election and all about hunting down a white dragon. After, he wanders offstage in search of food. Carman gives an excellent, impassioned speech, often referring to a piece of paper in his hand. He talks how he is a simple man that relates to the average townsperson. Accuses the mayor of having a conflict of interest because of his lumber company, a sentiment shared by some in the crowd. He also reminds everyone about his heritage and his own connection to the town through his work. Some of what Carman says seems to hit home on the mayor, and he overall draws a positive reaction from the crowd. Then, to the mayor's (and everyone else's) stunned surprise, Zor'ahn throws his hat into the ring and gives a stirring, well-thought out speech as to why he is the obvious choice for the next leader of Otari, which draws an overwhelming response from all those assembled, save the mayoral candidates themselves.   5.54p
A table is laid out and the candidates gather around as the cooking contest begins. The rhubarb pie and spicy fish stew are among the best. The chef at the Crook's Nook is rarely ever seen and is not presenting the stew himself. Oseph suggests that the fish stew is slightly better, Carman immediately says the pie is better, and Greenspoon is not present, leaving it up to the Zor'ahn the break the tie. The dark ranger chooses the fish stew, earning a look from Carman. The elf responds by questioning the smith's ability to actual be a mayor. Oseph announces Barnaby as the winner and closes out the festival to great cheers.   Wrin's Wonders
The Exterminators gather at Wrin's Wonders for her special Harrow reading. The air is redolent of incense and smoke. The rain has stopped and the sky is quite clear. Wrin has set up a table and she welcomes everyone and bids them to sit around it. "Something in the air, something calls me to the cards," she intones. Kaliff serves the hot steaming tea that is available and the group signals their readiness for her to begin.   Wrin begins by shuffling her Harrow deck, explaining it as a sacred tool for giving comfort and mapping out the past, the present, and the future. As she deals the cards, she states that there will be three rows of three cards each. The first column deals with events of the past, the middle column illustrates events of the present, and the last column foretells of events in the future. The cards of the top row generally are considered "good" or positive is someway, the middle row is simply neutral, while the bottom row is a harbinger of evil. The cards are read in order of past-positive (1), past-neutral (2), past-future (3), present-positive (4), present-neutral (6), etc.   After this instruction, Wrin begins turning over the cards.  

  1. The Beating- typically is a negative card, but it is misaligned and most likely stands for their victory over the green dragon in Undertown.
  2. The Vision- can indicate an encounter with an inscrutable person, a brush with genius, but it is also misaligned and refers to something she has been seeing in the sky to the north, a bluish glow, believes it to be an omen though unclear as to what it portends.
  3. The Tyrant- a true match, refers to someone that is a dictator or ruler, a head of a household, someone who has control. Wrin shudders and tape the card, declaring it a true match which means it holds a particular importance, some great evil from the past has great relevance for the present.
  4. The Survivor- another true match, someone who has been through an ordeal, represents something or someone once lost forever but is no more, possible a rebirth, believes they will meet someone who has endured great evil.
  5. The Hidden Truth- symbolizes the ability to see past the obvious to see the inner truth, an important secret that must be discovered, an important key as to what is to come.
  6. The Demon's Lanten- a partial match, a card of tricks and traps, glowing orbs indicate opportunity. It reminds her of something dangerous, reminding her of glowing lights (Will-o’-Wisps? Gauntlight Keep?) in the Fogfen, something dangerous this way comes.
  7. The Locksmith- indicates a key to unlock their destiny, some kind of tool that brings insight, a feeling in the future that they will unlock many doors that have longed remained closed.
  8. The Fiend- represents a sinister, intelligent creature, a great and dangerous power made to harm them, but it is yet unclear if it may also aid them, it is the future that they must decide.
  9. The Eclipse- represents self-doubt, loss of purpose, can represent a conflict of conviction, a loss of way, a partial match which also stands for a potential loss of way or a warning.
  Wrin suddenly looks up and asks, "Can you see that?" Looking up, the party sees an eerily blue glow shining from the northwest, from the direction of Gauntlight Keep. Wrin rushes from the tent. Kaliff whispers "Belcorra" and everyone follows the tiefling out into the night.  
  Visible off in the distance, over the trees, a blue glow is emanating from the Gauntlight off to the northwest. The eeiry glow begins to narrow and condense into a beam which suddenly strikes out towards Otari, streaking through the air, and alights to the southwest of town on the ridge above the Dawnflower Library. Wrin confirms that everyone can see it, that it's not merely a vision, and Kalitos says that maybe they should get to the Library. In the light, even from this distance, shadowy figures seem to appear and move in the blue light. The first scream rings. The Exterminators strike out and Wrin says she will muster the Otari Garrison.   The party reaches the ruins of the Thirsty Alpaca just as a young acolyte from the Library runs towards the group, wide-eyed in terror. He gestures back and cries out, "The dead emerge from the graveyard ! They're all over!"   Coming closer, they can see that the ray is visibly centered on the graveyard on the cliff. The sound of screams and shouting echo from the same direction and townsfolk are fleeing from it all. Moving in the light, shadowy figures fall from the cliff.   The Dawnflower Library
The Exterminators finally reach the Library and immediately come across a woman's body in the street lying face down in a pool of blood, her throat ripped out. People are running around and shouting. Dawnflower itself appears to be surprisingly quiet, however the front door stands open. Kalitos asks if they could be after the Rosa Argentus.   Dashing inside, they find two acolytes running around gathering bandages and poultices. The library itself is appears to be in order with nothing yet out of place. One of the acolytes says that the dead have arisen and the priestess has gone to defend the town. He says that the sword is safe and Zor'ahn states that they will be taking the sword into "protective custody". Tristan and Ehrn move to the front doors and keep watch on the trail leading from the graveyard. Zor'ahn enters the western library and finds the artifact resting in a glass case with a hand-lettered "Do Not Touch" sign. Breaking the glass with a club, the ranger picks up the beautiful silver longsword and the party rushes boldly into the night.   From above, shambling bodies fall from the cliff and begin rising from off the ground. The Exterminators move to engage and quickly dispatches them. When Zor'ahn draws Rosa Argentus, it seems to absorb the moonlight and hum slightly, the energy of it slipping up into his arm like silent wisps of power. He tightens his grip on the artifact, smiling, and the party takes off up the trail.   Toliday, 4th of Desnus, 4721 AR
The Graveyard
In the corpse blue glow of the Gauntlight, the earth and soil visibly roils and churns with the undead already teaming the area. At the other end of the graveyard appears to be a group of guards at the main gate.   Several skeletons begin shambling towards the group. Tristen moves forward and raises his shield. Kalitos advances as well and fires an electric arc, but it has no effect. Zor'ahn moves between Tristan and Kalitos and summons a tree next to the fighter. The first skeleton shambles at Tristan with its bony claws, but is unable to land a blow. The second one advances on him as well and is likewise unsuccessful. Kaliff comes around behind Kalitos and fires a phase bolt at the first, which only slightly chips the old bones. Ehrn charges forward but misses with her glaive. A third skeleton closes on her and attempts to rip into her, but the tree interposes itself between them. A rotted corpse begins advancing as two other skeletons lumber towards Kaliff. A second rotting corpse moves up to Kalitos, followed by a third further back.  
Report Date
02 Jun 2024
Primary Location