
Otari is a thriving, diverse lumber town and trade port with a storied past and its fair share of sinister secrets.  


Founded by a group of adventurers over 400 years ago, the town has weathered attacks from kobolds and strange monsters, economic woes and windfalls, and cycles of prosperity and strife. The first buildings of the town of Otari were built in the middle of the 43rd century AR by a group of ex-adventurers who called themselves the Roseguard. They build the settlement on a sheltered site south of Gauntlight, a keep built by Belcorra Haruvex, who had been defeated by the Roseguard. During this struggle, the Roseguard lost one of its members, Otari Ilvashti, after which they quit adventuring and settled down. Today, the town is a prosperous community and one of the largest settlements along the island’s southern coast.  


Though day-to-day life in Otari resembles that in any small town, its skyline stands out due to the enormous waterwheel at its eastern edge, the ingenious and enormous flume that brings lumber down the cliffside for easy transportation, and a stunning domed temple to Sarenrae to the west. The town’s location near a major highway and its long history as a home to various adventuring parties draw many visitors. Lively trade passing through means unusual wares (and even magic items) aren’t too difficult to find.   Just over 1,200 people live in Otari. While most of its residents are humans, some dwarves, elves, and other ancestries also live here. The majority of its residents work in the local fishing and lumber industries. For the most part, people in Otari are friendly and welcoming, though they prefer its small-town feel and make lighthearted fun of visitors from big cities. Coffee is a mainstay, a favorite drink among the hardworking and early-rising townsfolk.   Oseph Menhemes, a descendant of one of Otari’s founders, has served multiple terms as the town’s elected mayor thanks to his easygoing efficiency and the townspeople’s general deference to tradition. He also runs one of the town’s main lumber companies, making him wealthy as well as influential.  


Otari is found near the Immenwood on the south coast of the Isle of Kortos, about halfway between Absalom and Diobel. It is located at the head of a bay of the Inner Sea. Otari is nestled in a coastal valley between two looming cliffs. The Osprey River flows into the sea through the middle of this valley, and the sturdy stone to either side of this river supports hundreds of buildings and a deep harbor. Otari rarely floods, but the numerous caves, warrens, and channels dug beneath the town do so regularly.   A forgotten system of underground ruins and caves known as Undertown is located just beneath the city.  







Industry & Trade

Important to the economy of Absalom as a whole is Otari's lumber trade: timber cut from the Immenwood arrives by road into Otari and, from there, is traded across the Inner Sea region.  


Otari has a long tradition of catering to adventurers, and consumable items of up to level 10 are available for sale in its shops.  



  • Otari (Detailed)