Wrin's Wonders

This curio shop bears no sign, but local's know it as Wrin's Wonders: a place to marvel at whatever strange trinkets and offerings it's equally strange owner, Wrin Sivinxi, might have come across.   The structure consists of a ring of what appears to be standing stones arranged in a 50-foot-diameter circle surrounding a 15-foot-high dome of wooden beams covered with triangular pieces of canvas. The area between the central dome and the surrounding circle is a collection of tables, each covered by a dome shaped tent. When it's not raining, the easily erected and dismantled tents are removed so shoppers can admire what's for sale in the light of the sun-or the moon for that matter, as Wrin's Wonders is always open.   Wrin was destined to set up a store of wonders. Her knack for finding lost things and gathering strange treasures made establishing her own shop an obvious choice, and it wasn't by chance that she decided to set up shop in Otari- it was simply the port she'd arrived at when her capacity to carry her collection finally outweighed it's portability   The shop was opened in Otari early in 4717 AR and is now an accepted part of the community, even if many of the town's residents regard Wrin as a good natured eccentric. Sales at the shop aren't brisk, despite the town welcoming adventurers, but the stock levels are frequently increasing as Wrin sends consumable magic to Absalom in exchange for additional trinkets (utilizing the services of Gallentine Deliveries), though for now she is content to scrape by with the limited trade opportunities Otari provides.   The central dome is is Wrin's domicile, the interior of which is painted to resemble a night sky featuring all the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan, so that even on an overcast night she can fall asleep under the stars. Upon close inspection of the 'standing stones' that make up the outer ring of the shop, it is clear, these, like the central structure are made of wooden beams, adorned in canvas, cleverly painted to resemble granite.  
Wrin's Wonders

Founding Date
4717 AR
Shop, Magic
Parent Location