
Xulgaths, commonly known as troglodytes among surface dwellers, are a barbaric and vicious Darklands-dwelling reptilian humanoid race that often attack intruders in their territory on sight. They are most common in Nar-Voth, and are the favored slaves for many of the other races of that realm.  


Xulgaths are reptilian humanoids with dull gray scaly hides and skinny bodies. Their mottled skin gives them an uncanny ability to blend in with the rocks and stones of their subterranean environment. Their head resembles that of a cave lizard, and they generally have short, bony ridges running down their spines. They height is generally capped at around five feet (although their hunched stance makes them appear shorter), and they weigh approximately 150 pounds. Those living beneath the drier regions of Osirion, Katapesh, and Thuvia tend of be of lighter complexion than those who live in Varisia and around Lake Encarthan.  


They live in simple familial communities, battling rival groups and other aggressive Darklands inhabitants in order to survive. They occasionally raid surface settlements, usually at the behest of cruel, bloodthirsty leaders who are often themselves in the thrall of more powerful creatures like nagas or demons.   Xulgaths cook meat by charring it on a spit over such a long duration that other species would consider it inedible. Due to their unique physiology, xulgaths can digest this scorched meat, and can eat any meat as long as it resembles charcoal.  


Although today the xulgaths are brutal and scattered, they were one of the first intelligent humanoids to rise in the primeval world, once ruling over a mighty empire that stretched throughout the Darklands. Today, all that remains of this era are ruins of massive stone ziggurats and crumbling cities found within some of the larger caverns. Some groups of xulgaths continue to live among these ruins, venerating their ancestors’ accomplishments, while others consider these areas taboo and leave them to become infested with Darklands vermin. Sages don’t agree on why the ancient xulgath civilization fell. Some suspect it was the result of a loss of several wars waged against serpentfolk, while others suggest that the corruptive influence of demon worship rotted their culture from within.   Certainly, many xulgath settlements continue to worship demons to this day, paying homage and offering live sacrifices to terrible creatures from the Abyss. Occasionally, a xulgath shaman can call forth and bind a lesser demon to help serve the group, but a shaman who delves too deep into occultism might summon a more powerful fiend that either tears the xulgaths to pieces or enslaves them.
Geographic Distribution