Session 6 - "Menace Under Otari - Part 6"

General Summary

Gozran 27 4721 AR, Springtime
One Week Until Founder's Day Festival
1.32p   Within the chamber is a squat altar of stone in the center, which once might have held an orb, but broken glass pieces now lay scattered around it. The water appears to be emerging from the base of the stone itself.   Also noted with the room: to the northeast - an orb of glass (air), to the southeast - an orb of rolling flame (fire), and to the southwest - an orb of stone (earth).   The floor is covered in hundreds of tiny sigils similar to pictographs on the door.   Zor'ahn moves into the chamber and suddenly begins to feel very hot and feverish, causing him to almost swoon. From the corner of his eye, he sees something appear. He looks to it, but it nothing is there. The flame orb suddenly cracks open, spilling forth fire and noxious fumes, and a giant rat swathed in flames emerges, its mouth smoking.   Kalitos wades through water and casts frostbite at the creature, the cold biting into it deeply. The cinder rat leaps at Zor'ahn and he is suddenly engulfed in a cloud of fetid fumes and becomes sickened. It bites at him, tearing his flesh and setting him ablaze. Its jaws rip into him again, shredding the elf's flesh. Kaliff moves forward making his way through the stream. Zor'ahn slaps his hands together and puts them on the floor. A sapling tree instantly erupts from the ground. Tristan moves forward, crossing over the altar, and enters the fray. The fumes threaten to overwhelm him, but he is still able land a sword blow against the vermin. However the flames wrapping the blade appear to have no effect. Zor'ahn fixates on the power of fire.   Kalitos moves onto the altar and casts frostbite again. The cinder rat rounds on Tristan, but he reflexively raises his shield to block the attack, knocking it off-balance. It snaps at him again and again, but wildly misses. Kaliff moves behind Zor'ahn and quickly administers to his wounds, who then snuffs out the flames burning him. He attempts launch a wooden blade against the rat but misses. Tristan swings at the rat as well, but it has regained its balance and evades the blow. Tristan attempts to stare it down as well, but its molten eyes are unflinching. To spite it, he lashes out again and bites in deeply with his sword. Ehrn swings her glaive through the melee, but is unable to land a blow. She likewise glares at it, but it is unfazed.   Kalitos moves to engage, but he is quickly sicked and is unable score a hit. The rat bites at Tristen, but the tree leans in and absorbs the main brunt of the blow. The rat skitters away and swipes at Tristen in passing but misses. Kaliff fires a phase bolt, which slams into the rat. Zor'ahn summons another tree and then flings a piece of wood, but his sickened state works against him. Tristan is unable to smother the flames on him, but he is able land a powerful blow on the rat. In an explosion of fury, Ehrn suddenly charges the fire vermin and inserts her glaive into the fray and impales it, permanently extinguishing its fire.   1.42p
Zor'ahn explains that he thought he saw a dwarven mage that was binding elementals into the orbs in the room, holding a stone bound tome. They remember that one of the Roseguard, Zamavdian, was a dwarven wizard. Kaliff treats Zor'ahn's wounds. Zor'ahn summons a banana for Tristan and another tree. The party approaches the stone sphere, but nothing happens. They realize now that the tomb with the sarcophagus earlier was the tomb of Aesephna Menhemes as it had bore her family's crest.   1.52p
The group moves to the unexplored northern passage. From further down, the sound of low moans and a dragging sound can be heard. The air becomes more humid and there is a stench of rotting fish and oily sweat. It opens up into a more cavernous area with luminescent fungus. A larger chamber opens to the east that is dotted with limestone stalactites and stalagmites. Within the room, Zor'ahn can make out a small bag on the floor. A small opening is observed in the eastern wall. A short tunnel to the west connects to the kobold lair.  
Zor'ahn moves the bag over with a shadowy hand, making a tinkling sound as it goes. The bag is made from sort of strange, oily leather and appears to be made from some sort of deep cavern lizard. A faint scrapping sound emanates from the southeast accompanied by more moaning which grows in volume. A slug-like abomination emerges covered with and dripping malodorous, viscous slime. Kaliff attempts to consult his fleshwarp lore, but the creature's piteous moan sickens him. He lashes out at the thing with a void warp, but it has little effect on it. The aberration slithers forward and it suddenly expels a spew of digestive juices, covering Kaliff and splashing on those nearby. Kalitos charges forward and spellstrikes the slug with a frostbite and drops into his arcane cascade stance. Tristan also moves to engage, slicing deep into its body with his smoking sword. Zor'ahn summons a trees near Kalitos. He then creates a spear of wood and throws it at the creature, but misses. Ehrn charges forward in a rage and swipes out with her glaive but it does not land.   Kaliff attempts to daze the slug, but he feels a touch of insanity and it has no affect. He moves back away from it. The monster swipes at Tristan with its slimy claws, but it only moans in frustration. Kalitos attempts a dual pattern strike but is unable to connect. He lets loose with an electric arc to at least do something. Tristan slashes deeply into its rubber hide. Zor'ahn manifests a wooden glaive and spears its side. Ehrn finishes it with her own glaive. It explodes in a shower of digestive acid coating everyone nearby.   2.12p
The party takes time to heal and eat magic bananas. Zor'ahn notices that in addition to the slug monster's trail that there are other human-sized bipedal tracks, but with four-clawed, lizard like feet. He believes they belong to a xulgath, a Darklands dwelling race that is barbaric in nature, located in Nar-Voth.
Report Date
10 Mar 2024
Primary Location