Session 7 - "Menace Under Otari - Part 7"

General Summary

Toilday, 27th of Gozran, 4721 AR, Springtime
One Week Until Founder's Day Festival
Zor'ahn begins placing planks of wood on the large descending steps to the east in order to provide an easier retreat, should such a thing be necessary. The party begins its trek further into the deep.   2.42p
The passage is cramped and becomes more and more humid as the party descends somewhat to the east, the walls slick with moisture.   3.12p
After steadily continuing downwards, the passage finally begins to turn to the north. At this point, Ehrn and Zor'ahn believe that they have journeyed at least 100 ft. further underground. There appears to be no indication that the grothlut recently came up through the tunnel.   Nar-Voth
Booming Cavern
The smell of fresh water reaches Zor'ahn, as does the sound of it soon after. The cramped passage finally opens up into an enormous cavern with a subterranean lake. Lapping water is the only detectable sound. Tristen finds furrows near the shore where it appears something slid into the lake, possibly a large snake.   4.22p
Ehrn and Zor'ahn pay special attention to the local fauna, spying mostly pale caves spiders. However, they do see that a large indention in the wall was created by something large, bulky, and approximately 10 ft. tall rubbing has been against it. Tristen motions to the north to move the party quickly away from the area.   Zor'ahn begins moving ahead and an overpowering stench falls on him. Retching, the ranger realizes that it is the same smell of the oily bag from before. Two xulgath warriors begin to wade out of the gloom, however more are likely. Spikes protrude from their backs and they carry crude weapons like clubs and javelins. Zor'ahn points out the creatures to the party and summons a spear to throw at them, but misses. Ehrn quickly slips into a rage and moves against one of them. She moves through the area of stench, but is unaffected. Kalitos moves up as well and manifests a frostbite on one of the trogs, slicking its skin with ice. One of the shadowy figures flings a dagger at Ehrn, but it clatters against the wall instead. It pulls another dagger, but misses with it as well. Tristen moves up to his wife and instantly cuts down one of the reptilian monsters. Kaliff moves to his brother and manifest slivers of cold iron needles that embed themselves into his target. One trog to the west breaks off and rushes down a nearby tunnel. Its companion flees as well.   Zor'ahn advances to the mouth of the passage, but has no clear line of sight. Instead, he levels a blast at the other trog but misses. Ehrn moves on it with her glaive, but it twists away from the attack. Kalitos advances as well and likewise is unable to land a spell.   Zor'ahn begins filling the passage with chunks of wood to slow down any that enter it. The group decides to withdraw from Nar-Voth and Zor'ahn will block the way behind them with his summoned wood.   Otari
Otari Fishery
The party emerges back into the fishery and Grog immediately tries to get them to sample his fish stew. The cheerful packed atmosphere in the common room is a far cry from the dark, claustrophobic spaces they just visited. At the bar, the group discusses what to do with their new information of the den and tunnels below Otari. The last kobold threat that was faced in 4300 AR, not long after the last founder died and the town went into decline.   At one point Tamily approaches them and asks if the problem downstairs has been cleared out and Tristen acknowledges in the affirmative. He also suggests that she repair the caved in wall to prevent further infestations. She takes that as an offer and conscripts him to do the work. Zor'ahn looks about, but does not see Monsieur Franz Frangelico. Eventually the group departs to their respective domiciles.   Seven Days Until the Festival
The town continues to prepare for the upcoming Founder's Festival and the party lends to doing various odd jobs to assist.   Activities during the festival reward coupons that can be used to purchase items from local merchants that sponsor the celebration. Lots of games, contests, and eating. Also the season of the mayoral campaigns begins.   Kaliff begins further research into the Darklands and the letter that they found, as well as doing research for Wrin .   Zor'ahn approaches the druids at Stone Ring Pond to speak with them. His heat (gate) attenuator arrives Wrin asks if he would show her how it works. He explains that it is a necklace that resonates with his element aura. After listening to him, Wrin replies, "The hunger can lead you to heights, but you may lose yourself. Be brave, Zor'ahn."   Tristen returns the money given to them by Wrin. She tells him that she is expecting some very interesting people to visit her that like their privacy. They always come to check her wares and asks that they be present at that time to make sure they are not disturbed. She shares that the group is led by a Djinni, a fact that makes her nervous. While working on the wall one day, Tamily approaches the couple and tells them of an old fish camp she has about a half hour outside of town. It comes from the family, but she hasn't been able to take care of it for over a year now. She offers it to them in recognition of what they have done for her.   At Blades for Glades, Kalitos' sword comes in and Amicia, Carman Rajani's daughter, visits him to let him know. She tells him that her great-great-great-grandmother, Vol Rajani, was the Rose Knight, and always wanted to be a great warrior like him. Kalitos offers to train her on the basics, which she readily accepts. She confesses her father wants to run for mayor and would not want her training right now.   Five Days Until the Festival
Zor'ahn working at the Crook's Nook for Yinyasmera, who's part of something called the Osprey Club, which is probably some type of thieves guild, and one of the town's worst kept secrets. They most likely have some sort of an agreement with the Otari Garrison. The ranger decides to attempt to find a way into the organization, something she seems to have been feeling him out for as well. One of the bartenders, Stef Greenbillow, tells him that apparently some members of the club have gone missing.   Four Days Until the Festival
The party learns that Dr. Zacchaeus Quagmire III is a respected archeologist and a member of the Inner Sea Historical Society. Mort knows of him and has a book of his "Tombs and Temples". Wrin also shares that she actually met him (halfling) when he came to Otari to visit her several months ago. He was interested in Gauntlight Keep, which has been combed through many times over the years, but is generally avoided by the public at large. The Roseguard's history involves the site and was the basis forming Otari after a big battle. She said that she didn't think it was a good idea and warned him not to go. She read his fortune and shared that his nieces would come after him if he did. The party shares the Quagmire letter with her.   Fireday, 30th of Gozran, 4721 AR
Three Days Until the Festival
Abandoned Fishing Camp
The group makes their way to the fish camp after a heavy day of rain. Kaliff pages through Estele's Dawntreader, a travel log, as they travel. The path is slightly overgrown and not frequently used. Zor'ahn notices some kind of animal scent, and Tristen notices some scat lying around on the ground. It makes them think of pigs and wild boar, which suddenly attack out of the underbush.   From the southwest a boar charges at Kalitos and attempts to gore him, but misses. Zor'ahn moves forward and summons a tree next to the magus. A second boar charges Tristan who nimbly evades it. Tristan's Smoking Sword alights and he plunges it deep into the pig, slaying it instantly. Kalitos casts mystic armor and moves behind his brother. Ehrn lashes out with her glaive, cutting it deeply. Kalitos draws both his weapons across his attacker's flesh, scoring hits. Tristan is slashed viciously, but is able to get his shield up to buffer the blow.  
Report Date
05 Apr 2024
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